Ode to Wink’s Loop at Bells and Whistles

QIC: Spicoli

Date: 7/24/24

PAX: @Rollback @manscape (WD) @bam @Starfish @Burlap @Candyland @Inspector Gadget @Dolly (WB) @Lace @Spicoli (QiC)

When YHC was asked by Transcript to Q #F3SouthernVirginia’s premier Wednesday workout #BellsNWhistles, I didn’t realize: a.) this would be my VQ, b.) where the AO was.  Thankfully we have charts and maps of the interwebz to help with such things.

So with a deck of cards, cardboard, and weights, YHC set out because it takes half a day to get to this remote location from the city of Winston Salem. Upon arrival I realized I HAD been here before.  It was for Starfish’s 50th Birthday #Respect and YHC was wearing a skirt.  But that’s a story for another time.

Rollback was already onsite because he’s a man of action and I believe the first time he’s been to this workout?

Others started to roll in as YHC tried to determine what “the lap” would be defined as.  Luckily @Bluto’s text the night before about “Wink’s Loop” gave me something to discuss and discover.

By start time, 10 PAX had assembled and brought weights forming a circle.

And so it went:

Warmarama: SSH, IW, Merkins and Peter Parkers.  All IC.  Group mosey to discover “Wink’s Loop”

The Thang: Deck of Death, Bells n Whistles edition

Each round one PAX draws three cards from the deck, everyone does the exercises, then run a lap “Wink’s Loop”
***After the 3rd or 4th time around the loop, YHC called an OMAHA and a 4th card was drawn each time to lengthen the exercise portion of the workout.

Rep count for each exercise equals the number on the card.  Face cards = 15.

Hearts = Goblet squat
Spades = Bent over rows: spades
Diamonds = Curls
Clubs = Weighted WWIIs

Aces = 25 Merkins of a particular version
Diamonds= Diamond Merkins, Clubs= Mike Tysons, Spades= Alt shoulder tap Merkins, Hearts = hand release

Joker = PAX line up and the lead holds a 25lb iron plate in each hand and walks the small loop, passing back to the PAX behind him, then takes off to run the loop and join the back of the line.  This was an experiment that was too easy. Next time 45lb plates and PAX two back have to carry weights Cussack style and pass them back when it’s their turn.  Or something.

Cards played = 38

3 Aces: Alt Shoulder Tap Merkins x25, Mike Tysons x25, Diamond Merkins x25

Bent over rows: 84
Curls: 73
Weighted WW II’s: 77
Goblet squats: 44
1 joker walk



  • Greenest: next opportunity is 3rd Saturday of August.  Get involved.  See Starfish for details.
  • Transcript’s M had a medical emergency.  Keep her and the medical personnel in your prayers and intentions.
  • Funeral services for Daniel Marks, a classmate and good friend to #ChitChat, will be Thursday at Salem Funeral Home from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.  Peace be with Daniel’s family and friends as the loss of his presence is felt.
  • YHC took us out with words of thanks to F3 and its accountability.  Concern for Transcript and his family. And for the loss of a young man who lived to the best of his ability in spite of the cancer he battled.



  • YHC forgot that normally there is music.  Instead we heard all the greatest hits: panting, groaning, dropping of weights.
  • Thanks to the #HOASprinklers aka humidity machines for making the air palpable.
  • Inspector and Dolly popped out of their pickup truck and brought out a couple of logs for weights.  They brough very much a #VisionQuest vibe to the workout.  (80’s movie.  Use the Goggles)
  • All PAX got out there and stayed with it
  • Thank you for the opportunity to lead






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