It’s not theft, it’s parallel thought!

QIC: Wobegon

Date: 7-25-2024

PAX: @Argyle
Tube Socks,

@Green Acres




@dr. toot




Ok, look. I was not a Bells and Whistles. I have documentation. Check my texts; there was no chatting with Spicoli the day before. I independently came to the card-themed workout looking for something to keep us under the overhang, should we need it with the forecast. But with no running breaks, it gets old faster than one might think. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

I was not sure if the TRQ Run Club would have enough participants for a quorum, and if it was raining and no one showed up, not-gonna-lie. YHC may have done the Washington Post crossword on his phone in the car until 0530. But Bam and Doublewide were both there when I pulled in, and the rain was light if there was any. So, we got in two good miles, and the puzzle could wait until breakfast for an hour or so. (best clue today: Academia Nut? Answer: N-E-R-D-S.)

When we got back at 0526, there was a nice big crowd (bonus points if you can calculate our run pace with a strict 0505 start).

YHC pulled out all the accessories, got us through a warm-or-rama that must have been a little off in counting (whatever), and we headed to the covered area.

All pax draw a card. Determine your exercise:

  • Diamonds = Squats
  • Hearts = Merkins
  • Spades =SSH
  • Clubs = LBCs

The number is the reps. 

  • Ace : 2
  • Jack: 11
  • Queen 12
  • King is 20!

We’ll go around, and you can call your exercise. Put your card in the discard pile.

The luck of the draw:

  • 4 or lower: exercise plus one Bonus Burpee
  • You may choose to call a WILD CARD and pick from the discard pile.
  • If the same exercise/suite is called THREE TIMES IN A ROW, all do ten burpees (this did not happen),
  • If the same NUMBER is called three times in a row, one minute plank (this did not happen).

We did three rounds. Lots of bonus burpees. To clarify, it was a Jeff Hardy deck of cards. If you watched any WWE wrestling in early 2000, you would recognize the Charismatic Enigma, his heyday. He’s now a little over the hill and doing small house show and has as many demons as the lead in that movie The Wrestler. Or, if you visited Cameron, NC you might have run into him and his brother Matt. Bloodsport had a brief obsessive period with wrasslin’, and I pick up useless trivia (and decks of cards for free at  autograph conventions).

Enough of that, on to the planter box:

  • 5 left leg raises
  • 5 right leg raises
  • 5 dips
  • 5 fast feet
  • Creed down to the light and back.
  • Repeat-0 with ten reps.

To the rocks:

  • 5 curls
  • 5 Skull crushers
  • 5 bent rows
  • 5 overhead press
  • Repat-0 with ten reps
  • Walk your rock rifle style around the circle and put it up.

To the playground:

Two minutes on the clock, get as many pull-ups or alternating lunges as you want, pax choice.

Back to circle up for some Mary, just as the rain picked up. Endeed with 5 perfect form merkins (you be the judge of your own merkins). And done.

COT: Bam and his M traveling, aging family members.

It was great being with this fine group this morning, and I’m thankful GA made the ask for a Q. Thanks to Bam and DW for keeping the dream of the TRQ Run Club alive.

Spicoli, don’t sue me. Great minds and all that.



  • Starfish
    July 25, 2024 11:14 am

    Here for the bonus points. The answer is 10min30sec pace. Great workout, @Wobegon…completely different than @Spicoli’s B&W yesterday.

    • wobegon
      July 25, 2024 4:36 pm

      10:36 according to the Apple watch!…but 2.01 miles. The math is already beyond me, your the numbers guy, points awarded.

      • wobegon
        July 25, 2024 4:37 pm

        *You’re. #BadEnglishMajor

  • Green Acres
    July 25, 2024 11:14 am

    Fun workout! Full body beat down and well executed! Thanks for leading

  • Starfish
    July 25, 2024 11:15 am

    And, Oh yeah….I’m looking forward to a trip to Vegas with @Argyle….

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