Schlitz B-day Smash

QIC: Schlitz

Date: 7/26/24

PAX: Van Gogh, Dr. toot, Zima, frank&beans, spicoli, post hole, burns, Lincoln, five dollar foot long, el chopo,Schlitz

Man these thick humid morning truly blow. lol however I’m glad we all still manage to get out of bed and into the misery together. This particular morning, burns and post hole joined me in the Winston flattest 5k for a little seasoning on today’s suck.

HELLS TOWER BABY!!! (The parking deck)

same formula but different called movement each level. Start with merkins at the first incline section of the parking deck. Run backwards to the top and do 8 merkins. Then jog down for six and run backwards back up for 4. Then! Bear crawl down for your last two. Hold for the six and run to the next level. Repeat but with-

jump squats

mike tysons


finish strong with burpees!

run all the way back down for launch. No time for merry.

I love this workout. So I’m saving it and if we ever have a Q not show up then it’s hells tower for everyone.

Things for me always get a little weird for me this time of the year. It’s the day before my birthday! But also the day after I lost my best friend to a heart attack 7 years ago. That moment really took me down. Months before that I was let go from my touring rock band, ended up doing construction, got super fat and shitty and depression is very real. That’s a rock bottom I had to fight like hell to get out of. I hated myself, I hated my life and things in no way turned out how they were supposed to. Little by little and with crazy amounts of support I ended up in a much better job working for Anheuser Busch. I met Christine, fell for her hard and was the only girl I’ve ever been loyal to. When I say I used to be a piece of shit, I mean it. But I met her, put my life back together and now because of this group I have my health again. Times can get dark super fast and honestly dudes don’t hear “I love you” enough. Saying it to the homeys is such a strong way to check in. Don’t ever miss an opportunity to build someone up. It could be the last time. Go out and do your best to enjoy this life under a different light. You will be surprised at how much more clear shit really  is. Love you dudes-Schlitz

1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    July 26, 2024 7:59 am

    You’re a true HIM Schlitz. Thanks for laying it all out there on us. Love you guy! See you again soon! And this sounds like an awesome beatdown!! 🥵❤️

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