A Group of Failures

QIC: Fender

Date: 7/27/2024

PAX: Alcatraz: Adobe, Ziggy Stardust, Tonka(WB1), Inspector Gadget(WB2), Bruin(WD), Rubber Ducky, Van Gogh, Ziffel, Crash, Subfloor, Fender(YHC)

Supermax: Lace, Hedwig, Silent Bob, Van Gogh, Inspector Gadget

C.S. Lewis said, “Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward towards success.”  Today was a journey through failure.  

I learned from a neurologist friend that the human body has mechanisms that cause you to perceive body failure at about 30% of its actual potential.  This is when your muscles say to you that another rep isn’t possible.  The only time your body will naturally tap into that reserve is if it perceives danger.  At this point your parasympathetic nervous system turns on the fight, flight, or freeze concoction which takes you to your full potential.  

The body wants to preserve this energy because it thinks we still live like hunter gatherers.  Considering that isn’t our world today, we’re leaving so much potential on the table.  The point, there is more to you than you realize.  

A great sword is beaten and tempered under the hammer and the fire of a blacksmith.  This morning we moved through fire and failure; iron sharpened iron.  


  • Mosey to the coupons.

The Beatdown:

  • All exercises performed in supersets.  One exercise is performed until complete failure at which point you switch to the other.  The supersets lasted approximately 10-12 minutes each.  The sets were as follows:
    • Skull Crushers with Coupon – Stiff Legged Dead Lifts with Coupon
    • Upright Rows with Coupon – Alternating Lunges with Coupon
    • Curls with Coupon – Deep Squats with Coupon
    • Pullups – Calf Raises with Coupon
    • Derkins – Bentover Rows with Coupon


  • Return blocks to pile.
  • American Hammer to the end.  


  • Announcements:
    • 60 Minutes next week for the Q.  
    • Looking for future HIMS to step up and Q for Alcatraz.


  • Lots of mumble chatter this morning.  A great time was had by all.
  • Most importantly, we are all better than we were.  
  • Always an honor to serve for YHC.  Thanks for the opportunity @Subfloor.  

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