Cain was Able

Date: 7/30/24

PAX: Bravo (WB, 2.0), Burns, Lamb Chop, Spicoli, Heisenberg, Frostbite, Greenspan

The time finally came for YHC to take the keys of the AO closest to his house, literally a baseball’s throw from the front door.


SSHs, Cherry Pies, Abe Vigodas, Whirlies

The Thang

Short mosey to AARP area for 20s!:

Pullups x 20!

For any number less than 20 pax are unable / choose not to do, perform that number of reps of the following:

  • SSHs
  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Heels to Heaven
  • Dive Bombers
  • Lunges (DC)
  • Plank Jacks
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Glute Bridges
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Dips
  • Low Flutters (DC)
  • Side Lunges (DC)
  • Cobra Crunch (DC)

Each round builds on the previous.  For example, in round 1, pax performs pull-ups x 10, then performs SSHs x 10 since 20 – 10 = 10.  Round 2, pax performs pull-ups x 8, then performs SSHs x 12 + Merkins x 12 since 20 – 8 = 12.  Continue until time.

One minute of Mary.

The End.


  • Samaritan Ministries service opportunity on 8/20/24. 5:00 – 7:30 pm.  Need volunteers.

Prayer Requests:

  • Lamb Chop’s cousin is pregnant with child who has been diagnosed with dwarfism. Praying for a miracle.
  • Teachers and students as they prepare for return to school.
  • Turnover’s sister-in-law is having a difficult pregnancy.
  • Ragnarians’ safety prior to, during, and after the race in West Virginia.


  • Both Burns and Lamb Chop were doubling down after Flatlining in the morning gloom, and neither showed any signs of fatigue.  Beasts.
  • Speaking of beasts, we interrupted one performing muscle ups on the bars. Cain, channeling Van Gogh, critiqued YHC’s squat depth while holding himself upside down.  Lamb Chop, Spicoli, and Burns put the dude in a solid emotional headlock, and he didn’t say no!  Post-workout, Spicoli demonstrated how easy it was to replicate what Cain was up to, performing a candlestick on the bar.  T-Claps.
  • Heisenberg put in solid, quiet work, with a smile. Reminds one of Drip.
  • Frostbite was dropped off for the workout by his M on their way back into town from Maine. She didn’t return to pick him up at the conclusion of his playdate with the other pax, so he walked home, keeping Bravo and YHC company until we parted ways at Westover.
  • Bravo had to be dragged to the workout, but put in solid work. That’s 3 posts for my boy this summer.  YHC told him that he was doing things that I wouldn’t have dreamed of (or hoped for) at his age.
  • The Legend of Matt Farris aka Schlitz continues to grow. You had to be there.

Thanks, Frosty, for the keys to my own house.  Glad you made it back from your high-altitude training.  Cain took the keys when we weren’t looking.  He’ll be back.

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