Wet Shoes

QIC: Lamb Chop

Date: 8/10/2024

PAX: Spicoli, Root Canal, Head Hunter, Crash, Mutton, Drip, Trickle, Five Dollar, Cheesesteak, Boo Boo

Nobody came to High Life Tuesday so I dusted off what I did by myself and made everyone pay.

Warm 0 Rama

20 SSH, 15 Imperial Walker, 10 Hill Billy, 10 Whirly, 6 Abe Vigoda, and then a bunch of Cherry Pie exercises

The Thang

Mosey lap around the track over to the baseball field behind Wiley. Here we ran to first, completed 20 Merkins, ran back home. Ran to second, completed 30 jump squats, ran to first, 20 merkins, ran home. Ran to third, 40 WWII, Third 30 jump squats, second, 20 merkins, home. Ran all the way around to home for 50 mountain climbers, third for 40 WWII, second for 30 jump squats, first for 20 merkins, then home.

Then we mosied to education hill for a burpee and perfect merkin ladder. 1 perfect merkin at the bottom, 6 burpees at the top. Then 2 and 5 with a bear crawl to the top (on all the even numbered perfect merkins).

Then we mosied to the swings where we partnered up. 1 partner did 20 reverse pulls while the other ran a lap, then flip flopped. We did 15, then 10, then 5 pulls.

Then we mosied to the intimidator for some Dora 1,2,3. 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs. One partner always running to the first stop sign.



Nobody liked getting their shoes wet. Well, y’all should have come to High Life then…

Mutton, left the keys under the dewy grass!

Lamb Chop

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