300 Paces to Nowhere

QIC: Van Gogh

Date: 08/14/2024

PAX: @Workbench, @Rollback, @Zima, @Double Pane, @Dolly (WB), @Superfly (WD), @van.gogh (QIC) 

Workbench is the ideal Site Q (though he is likely ready to hand off if anyone wants to step up). He is ever present at beatdowns, doesn’t complain about finding Qs, and most importantly… reminds the Qs when they are up next. It was this reminder that gave YHC the time needed to concoct this morning’s beatdown:



  • Mission Statement (Q fail: “small community leadership”?)
  • Core Principles!
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IST  x 20 IC
  • Shoulderama x 10IC x 5
  • Mosey to Hill to Nowhere


The Thang

  • Hill to Nowhere setup:
    • 100 paces to first cone
    • 10 paces to 9 more cones
    • 100 paces to end of Hill
    • Rock Crawl to each cone, complete exercises below, then run to top and immediately run back down to rock (because there should be nothing at the top of the Hill to Nowhere.).
  • At each cone, complete the following exercises and run to top and back.
  1. 10 burpees
  2. 10 burpees, 20 Squats w/Rock
  3. 10 burpees, 20 Squats w/Rock, 30 Rock Press
  4. 10 burpees, 20 Squats w/Rock, 30 Rock Press, 40 Rock Curls
  5. 10 burpees, 20 Squats w/Rock, 30 Rock Press, 40 Rock Curls, 50 American Hammers (No rock, single count due to time)
  6. 20 Squats w/Rock, 30 Rock Press, 40 Rock Curls, 50 American Hammers (SC, No rock)
  7. 30 Rock Press, 40 Rock Curls, 50 American Hammers (SC, No rock)
  8. 40 Rock Curls, 50 American Hammers (SC, No rock)
  9. No time :-(for the last 50 American Hammers).



  • Baked in.





  • Superfly’s mother passed away last Monday, prayers for his family moving into this next phase, and his leadership for the family.
  • Prayers for Rollbacks family traveling back from a funeral.
  • Prayers for teachers and kids going back to school.
  • Prayers for parents, especially keeping cooler heads in dropoff/pickup line traffic



  • A wonderful morning with nice cool air and a cool sight of Mars and Jupiter “cuddled up” in the early morning sky.
  • The beatdown was a good use of the hill, and interesting for YHC to learn it’s almost exactly 300 yards long one way(assuming YHCs “pace” is one yard), making it 1800 ft two ways, which equals just over 1/4 mile out and back. Sounds about right!
  • Cutting out one cone, shortening warmorama, or replacing burpees (where’s the fun in that) with something faster could enable finishing the whole thing.
  • 2.6 miles total by YHCs watch! Reps completed were 50 burpees, 100 Squats, 150 overhead press, 200 Curls, and 200 American Hammers (could have been 250)!
  • YHC stumbled through the mission statement… it happens even the most season vet. What is “small community leadership” anyway?
  • TClaps to Workbench for getting back out after the Ragnar. He felt like it was his best year, and YHC agrees – he seemed no worse for wear! Though during the beatdown he did wish to be back in WV instead of at the beatdown. Must have been a good time!
  • Nice to meet Double Pane, a former player/student of Burns who coached him at Reagan. Strong dude, hoping he makes a big impact in F3. YHC challenged him to bring out a new guy, since new guys really are the lifeblood of this F3 thing – no more recycled ideas or repeat beatdowns (see Zima’s Q tomorrow at WIB, or YHCs concept for 22s, The Craftsman, etc).
  • Superfly ran alongside Double Pane most of the morning, both were pushed outside of their comfort zone and worked hard.
  • Our War Baby, Dolly, was correctly guessed by YHC to be from Tennessee (or a mover). 
  • Possibly being a mover brought up Hand Truck, YHC’s old Outkast from back in the day that Rollback just so happens to know! Also, shout out to Pickle King, another Outkast!
  • Rollback and YHC realized our 2nd graders have the same teacher again. We discussed how these kids of ours, his daughter is the oldest, my son who is 3rd child, may be polar opposites.
  • Not my first time meeting Dolly, and glad to see he is sticking with it. YHC surely wasn’t doing anything this fun at 20. TClaps!
  • Zima enjoyed hearing YHC screw up the Mission Statement… he also got bored by YHCs Imperial Stormtroopers… His form was impeccable all morning, clearly getting ready for Iron PAX!
  • Speaking of which, Iron PAX was brought up today… COMING SOON! Week 0 is September 2nd! 

Thanks for coming out and starting the day out right for YHC. The keys were left between Mars and Jupiter in the night sky, Workbench, they’ll be back together in that formation in 53 years. Guess you’ll have to stay on as Mayhem Site Q for a while longer!


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