Recycling is Good For The Environment, Not For The PAX

QIC: Zima

Date: 8/15/24

PAX: Van Gogh, Rubber Ducky, Rollback, Root Canal, Pollster, Frostbite, Zima (Q)

The following is a recycled workout from 2020.



Setup: 3 stations in a straight line on each of the long sides of the parking lot (total of 6) with a bonus station in the middle of the lot (7th).


Cycle: Run through the stations in a typical figure 8 pattern.  At each station, perform the same exercises: Bobby Hurleys, Ranger Merkins, Reverse Lunges, Heels to Heaven, and Hand Release Mike Tysons.  Increase the repetition count by one at each station.  At the bonus station in the middle, instead of performing the normal exercises, always do 5 Star Burpees.  Repeat the pattern until the end of the workout.




  • Most people were either on round #15 or had just finished it when time was called.  VG claims to have started #16.  That equals about 120 reps for each of the 5 exercises and either 20 or 25 star burpees.
  • Pollster has picked some interesting beatdowns in which to start off his F3 journey.  He’s going to fit in nicely.
  • Ducky began by complaining about the lack of rain, but took off so fast that it didn’t seem to slow him down much at all.  Apparently the lack of sleep did him wonders.
  • VG and Rollback were “efficient” and dominated the workout with ease, obviously to nobody’s surprise.  They need to find more challenging workouts to attend.  Root Canal was close on their heels.
  • Speaking of the tooth doctor, once I shared my very well informed opinions on dental insurance, he wanted to hear none of it, and after about 3 minutes of the workout, he left YHC in the dust never to be seen again.  That dude cannot be a double respect.
  • Frostbite put in some hard work and kept chugging right up until the bitter end.  He even had to endure some conversation with YHC.
  • In a pleasant manner, YHC dispensed quite helpful advice on exercise form that was much appreciated by each and every PAX.



  • IronPax Challenge is back.  Week 0 drops on September 2.  Sign up here.
  • Happy Hour (and a half) at Mossy’s in Clemmons.
  • Look for the next opportunity to serve at Samaritan’s Ministries



  • Back to school time.


Zima Out.

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