Gridiron Geriatric Greatness

QIC: Rudolph

Date: 8.20.2024

PAX: Influencer, Gamestop, Lambchop, Brownbag, UGA (FNG)

It’s cooling down now, so that means it’s time for football season!  As said in my other Q for High Life, these workouts have been pretty strong. I don’t want to break that chain yet still let’s have a little fun.  For this workout I was able to rope in my kotter neighbor Gamestop and also an FNG that would soon receive a very gracious name.  Lucky devil.

I show up with Gamestop with Lampchop and Brownbag already warming up.  Influencer joins in and then kindly reminds me that I should tell my FNG which parking lot we’re in.  Good call, he was on the other side.  Q fail.  Let’s get warmed up with our small circle:

SSH, Arm Circles, Chain breakers, Swimmers, Whirly with a clap, Quickmills, Lunge with a twist.

Okay, let’s head up the hill.  Before we play we need to get the work in so a quick DORA.  Or I thought quick:

300 SSH, 200 High Knees, 100 Diamond Merkins.  Lambchop said it would take awhile, so I did Omaha at each interchange to conserve time.  Also, he kicked the damn ball I was using as the line for runners even further down the field.  Damn runners…

Next phase was some station work.  BUT, I’d forgot my speaker in the trunk.  Luckily Influencer flew down the hill to grab it and all good.  The key was I had the old Sam Spence NFL Films music on the ready, but none of these guys recognized any of it!  What a national travesty.  It’s almost like I’m an old man now (reference; I’ll be 45 in a week or two, I suppose that is old).  The stations were:

Jump rope, Plate Push, Box run, Arm bands, Burpees.  We’d go for 1 minute, move, repeato.  Once every person had visited each station we were ready to play!

Tag football – flag rules, short field.  3v3:  Lambchop, Influencer, FNG versus Gamestop, Brownbag and Rudolph.  I won’t tell you the score or of what glory hit the field, you have to show to know.  I will say that this works well as a gasser, and was a good time.  Lucky for us we have time to work as this is the preseason!

Just a few minutes left so let’s go back to start, Mary time where each person gave us an ab exercise, TIME.

Prayer concerns – UGA’s sister is staring grief counseling for the loss of parents; important and a great first step that warrants our prayers, but is also a Praise.  Influencer’s cousin Megan needs our prayers for surgery recovery.  Lambchop’s cousin had the scheduled birth of the child, and as expected the child is in the NICU and needs our prayers.

Praise only – Gamestop turned 50 yesterday.  Maybe needs prayers too.  Praise on Brownbag for that awesome VQ last week, looking forward to the next one.

FNG – Michael Deane is a Sunday School classmate to Influencer and I.  We have yet ANOTHER wife that said “yes, get his ass out there, he needs it”.  Amazing how many wives are begging us to get their men out of the house (that’s a great woman).  Anyways, he’s a great dude but as he wore Georgia red and had a Georgia Bulldog hat on, the crowd was super kind and named him UGA.  *Note – I love GOOD nicknames, not the opposite; but Brown bag an I still volunteered Yellowjacket.  Gator would have been painful.


MOLESKIN – everyone start thinking about the timing of this AO.  Lambchop has bible study coming up that means he needs earlier and I’m pretty sure the weather will be in our favor to move it up a tad.  Personally I’d love any advance to earlier time.  Not taking any actions of course but think on if others will come out if we think on the time.  I’ll talk to the Nan’tan and start getting thoughts.  Overall the football experience was fun as hell!  Sometimes you just need to be like a kid an throw a ball around.  Only other Q fail I can think of was it was perfect weather to have a brew after the workout and I didn’t have them on the ready.  All the more reason to Q again soon.  Always a pleasure.


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