Rocking 22s at the Quarry

QIC: Van Gogh

Date: 08/22/2024

PAX: @Green Acres (WD), @dr. toot, @Argyle, @boomerang, @Data, @ziggy stardust, @Skybridge, @Drip, @F3 Singing Cowboy, @wobegon, @D-Day, @Madoff, @Sassy, @Candyland, @Turnover, @Tonka (WB), @van.gogh (QIC)

The 8th iteration of our 22-challenge series brought YHC to The Rock Quarry for the first time. Obviously, we had to use our rocks, and the original plan had us never leaving them. Upon realizing that would take over an hour, things were… streamlined!

In the preblast, YHC announced that 45 PAX had taken the red pill and chose to push themselves at least once this year. Highest number attended was 4 thus far. Attending 1 gets the PAX a nice token at the end of the year, a nicer prize for >1, and whoever attends the most gets a grand prize. Clearly this motivated the PAX because a record SEVENTEEN showed up to TRQ to see what YHC would bring. Could have helped that Singing Cowboy was present, people love him, and he was handing back forgotten belongings from the Ragnar??



  • Mission Statement
  • Core Principles!
  • SSH x 22 IC
  • IST  x 22 IC
  • 22 walking lunges, double count.
  • Walking Arm Swirlies x 22 forward/reverse.
  • 22 bear crawls


The Thang

  • Grab a rock
  • 22s
    • 20 rock curl and press
    • Lunge Walk to Gate
    • 2 burpees
    • Bearcrawl back
    • Change reps by -+ by 2 until at 2 rock curl press and 20 burpees.
  • Return your rock



  • Walking Mary
    • To the corner, American Hammers x 22 IC
    • To Island, LBCs x 22 IC



  • Week 0 is September 2nd!
  • Superfly’s mother passed away recently, Blue Steel is having chronic leg pain,  Aging parents, Argyles Uncle Bob, Monday, prayers for his family moving into this next phase, and his leadership for the family.
  • YHC took us out!



  • Some great weather this week. Ideal weather for a beatdown
  • The PAX were good sports this morning, not too many complaints, just some moans and groans. 
  • Alternative movement options were suggested, better to modify as necessary and still put in work if able, rather than do nothing.
  • Resident War Daddy, @Green Acres (WD), and Site Q, had the best form of the morning. He was humble and talking about being the 6; YHC said the goal for the morning was to have arms that look as good as his when done!
  • @dr. toot had some pep in his step and out in front all morning. He was even using two rocks!
  • Great to see @Argyle, it had been a few months since we last crossed paths! In fact, YHC saw his wife at WIB last month – we all told her to tell him Hi – so it was a bit of foreshadowing then to see him in the gloom!
  • @boomerang kept the MC going with PAX near him while putting in work. He makes F3 feel like a community, always welcoming PAX and ensuring 2ndF is mixed in with the 1st!
  • @Data, fresh back from his hip surgery, didn’t seem to miss a step. It had been well over a year since we’d crossed paths, and YHC is glad he’s back at it!
  • The Duo of @ziggy stardust and Tonko strolled in, ready for another 22-challenge. These guys make it look easy, and look good while doing it!
  • Been seeing @Skybridge a lot lately, and think it’s time for him to Q soon?!
  • @Drip and @F3 Singing Cowboy, quite possibly the two most well liked PAX in F3WS, nay, Winston-Salem period. Drip had his leg brace in Iron PAX mode, because he didn’t struggle at all. Singing Cowboy ran 2 miles before the beatdown and was handing out leftovers from the Ragnar, which made him very popular this morning!
  • @wobegon also ran EC with YHC and is looking strong post Ragnar. Enjoyed the EC run, good MC about school and Bloodsport
  • @D-Day is looking good these days, and still rocking that killer mustache. He was spotted traveling on the far side of the circle, so not a ton of conversation, but hard work was seen.
  • @Madoff’s attendance was serendipitous, needing to pick up his belongings from Singing Cowboy, and had yet to attend a 22 beatdown this year. He would text later saying his buns were sore from the lunges. YHC agreed.
  • @Sassy, also fresh from the Ragnar, was getting it done this morning. No upcoming races for him just yet – YHC thinks he earned a rest.
  • @Candyland has been posting more and more lately, which is great for YHC to see. We grew up in youth group together back in the day, and we need more guys like him in F3. Looking forward to his VQ!
  • @Turnover hadn’t been out for a 22-beatdown yet, though he was present at one of the earliest iterations years ago. YHC still remembers him uttering “Oh, Van Gogh…” at Urban Assault. Unbeknownst to YHC, this was TOs last day as a 38 year old! Last year as a Hate coming up!
  • Overall, a great group, and a great start to the day. YHC appreciates all the PAX who showed up. Next 22-challenge will be a double down in October, at Parliament AND High Life. Taking Sunday’s off (also in December). See ya’ll there!

Green Acres, 22 copies of the key were made and distributed around the AO under varies rocks. Shouldn’t have trouble finding them, thank you for the opportunity to lead such fine men!


1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    August 24, 2024 10:59 am

    Thanks for leading a great beatdown VG! You bring the crowd. Enjoyed suffering with some Pax YHC hadn’t seen in a while. Thanks for picking up the six. 💙

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