Jumping around at Purgatory


Date: 8/24/24

PAX: Green Acres (WD), Blood Sport (WB), Wobegon, Undertow, Rust Bucket, Boomerang, Superfly, Lemming, D-Day, BAM (QIC)

Honored to be asked to lead the esteemed Purgatory, YHC thought through various options: first weekend of high school and college football, the numerology of the date 8/24/24, or “fake fall” cooler temps, but the Q eschewed all the obvious things and just went for misery.

A great mix of pax showed up, Lemming even did SSHs!  So, we just got after it!


  • SSH
  • Copperhead Squats
  • Peter Parkers
  • IW
  • Whirlies
  • Slow Merkins
  • Abe Vigoda

Mosey to tennis courts, but don’t go in cause we are heading down Route 66!

  • Mosey down Polo at at predetermined intersections stop and do
    • 1 deconstructed burpee or a regular burpee
    • at next predetermined intersection, do 2
    • then 3, then 4, until you get to 11
    • pax went 1/2 mile out and then back
    • so, 66 burpees/deconstructed burpees and 1 mile down
  • Tennis courts for some Doracide!
    • 100 merkins
    • 2oo LBC
    • 300 squats
    • 400 Overhead claps
  • Pull up bars for partner pull up fun
    • Partner A does 3 pull ups
    • Partner 2 does LBCs while they wait
    • flapjack for 5 sets
  • Mosey back to start

6 Minutes of Mary

  • Low Dolly
  • Freddie Mercs
  • Bridge to Nowhere
  • Peter Parker
  • Parker Peter
  • Protractor
  • Mutton Crunch
  • Plank for 60 seconds



  • Playlist was “Jump” themed – why? Because it was recycled from a Double Dutch workout
  • General bemusement by the running up and down Polo and how the Q defined an intersection
  • Pax learned the bylaw – when French is spoken at a workout, the Q is not required to repeat instructions for pax who didn’t hear
  • D-Day had more time than he thought to show up on time
  • Lemming completely miss-timed his arrival, and was early.
  • Rustbucket would rather pay taxes in NY rates than NC
  • Bloodsport always brings his A game
  • Wobegon is a closet Kriss Kross fan and was please Jump, Jump was included on playlist
  • Superfly is always ready for a road trip in a Vega
  • We actually got Boomerang to run a little bit, increased his annual total!
  • If you ever have Green Acres as your pharmacist, you might want to double check the pill count
  • Undertow is a closet Frenchie


  • Boomerang’s daughter in law
  • Asian parents

1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    August 24, 2024 10:14 am

    At least you’d get extra pills instead of being shortchanged. 🤷‍♂️. 😁 Great workout even with timewasting running! 🥵 Thanks for leading

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