IPC is Coming

QIC: Burns

Date: 8.27.24

PAX: Cruiser, Adobe, Nelly, Ziggy Stardust, Tonka, 60 Minutes, Sea-Man, Rubber Ducky, Zima, Turnover, Subfloor, Burns

YHC posted the plan for this morning on the #IPC2024 channel on Slack as a preview of the pain that was to beset the pax this morning. Despite (or in spite of) that, 11 knuckleheads rolled up to Southwest Elementary to get their blockwork on with YHC. 60 Minutes even did a pre-run. I arrived at 0518ish to bring some blocks over from their storage place, which Ducky, Zima, and Nelly helped out with.

0530 – welcome, core principles, mission statement. All flawless

0530:45 – WoR. SSH, Hillbilly, Whirlies, and Michael Phelps, all x15 IC. I argue that’s about all you need for a good full body warm up. I don’t mind the stretchy stretches or the Cherry Pies, but when you can be thorough AND efficient? That’s the kinda thing that really fires me up.

0534ish – walk over to the assembled blocks and read the weinke.

The thang: Every 3 minutes on the minute, drop down and give me 10. Diamond merkins, that is. Work through the weinke and repeato for 36 minutes.

  • 20 squat thrusters
  • 15 curls
  • 10 block swings
  • 5 blockees
  • Bear crawl 10 paces out and crawl bear 10 paces back

0610ish – return the blocks and circle up for Mary. Low flutters, muttons, gas pumps, American hammers, all 15IC. Plank for time. Fin


Zima was so insulted that I suggest a workout so easy that he wore a weighted vest. Cruiser was out front most of the morning like it was nothing. Turnover, Subfloor, and Adobe showed no quit even after Subfloors diabolical diego yesterday. Rubber Ducky had the big block – ask him and he’ll tell you about it. Ziggy, as site q emeritus, is threatening legal action but the current site q is going to make that difficult. Tonka’s bear crawl form is impeccable. Sea-Man and 60 were on the other side of the line from YHC so I didn’t get to catch all of the nice things they said about the workout. 120 diamond merkins, and at least 160/120/80/40 of the exercises on the weinke.

Frankly, this workout sucked a big’n. I took a couple of elements of previous IPC workouts and threw them in the blender and this is the painful result. Would I do it again tomorrow? In a heartbeat. My goal was to complete 8 circuits through the weinke and I was successful – but even more impressive was that just about everyone was ahead of me in their efforts! Yall need to get on the #IPC2024 channel to keep tabs on the planning and execution of the next 5 weeks of fun.

Spicoli on Q tonight at High Life, FnB has a birthday Q tomorrow at Conspiracy (HC!).

No prayer requests shared. YHC took us out.

Thanks for the keys, Adobe. I’m serious – you can keep them.

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