Happy Beans Day

QIC: FrankandBeans

Date: 08/28/2024

PAX: Schlitz, Greenspan, Rubber Ducky, Burns, Five Dollar Footlong, Frostbite, Van Gogh, & Spicoli

This week YHC completed a 43rd lap around the sun. As a personal gift to himself, YHC signed up to Q and have the beatdown revolve around him 😎

A couple of key elements to today’s workout:

  • 6 Friendly Group work
    • Leave No Man Behind, But Leave No Man Where You Found Him is an F3 mantra that YHC LOVES. YHC am OFTEN the 6, so today’s beatdown intentionally focused on no one being left behind.
      • Admittedly, YHC’s group left Spicoli behind to save ourselves…but at least we were agreed about it.
  • Repetition of the exercise
    • Thank Drip for heavily influencing this aspect. There has yet to be a single beatdown of his where we don’t do the same exercise at least 100 times…and YHC kind of loves/hates that.


Mission, Core Principles, and F3 Mantra all given at 5:30am sharp.


  • 20 SSH
    • Instant MC about not going to 43. It was at this moment YHC knew we were going to have a good time.
  • 20 Imperial Walkers
  • 20 Hillbillies
  • Deep R/L lunge w/ twist
  • 3 Merkins after each leg
    • The fellas couldn’t help but MC about it being 3 merkins rather than 4.
  • Mosey to the track

The Thang: Catch Me If You Can

Pax were separated into two groups that would begin running from opposite ends of the track in an attempt to catch or evade the other group

Corner 1: Merkins
Corner 2: LBCs
Corner 3: Mike Tysons
Corner 4: Jump Squats

Each group must complete 4 reps of each exercise at the assigned corner.
Groups must stay together – run together, complete the exercises together.

When one group catches the other:

If caught at corner, cannot overtake a group until your group has completed that corner’s exercise.
The group that got caught must add 3 reps to their corners.
Everyone: Ring of Fire – Merkins: Counting up to 4 and back down to 1.


After YHC’s group was finally overtaken, we moseyed to the playground area for a change of scenery.

Thang 2: Team AMRAP Up To 43 Reps

Pax were organized into groups of 3. Each member would complete 43 reps at their individual station and then rotate clockwise relieving the Pax and sending them to the next station

  • Rows at the swings
    Intimidator Staircase (All the way up and down = 1 rep)
    Squatty pottys at the picnic tables
  • Mosey back to launch for time.



As YHC was creating the group there was considerable discussion about how to make the groups “even” seeing as some Pax are considerably faster or stronger than others. Noted. Rebuttal was given as several Pax are still in recovery from the previous 3-4 days of incredible beatdowns. #tclapsforbeatdownsthatyoucanfeel3dayslater YHC did his best and everyone accepted their assignments without complaint.

In the end, there was significantly more running involved than YHC had counted on because YHC’s group BOOKED IT to keep from getting caught by the second group. Five Dollar Footlong astutely noted that it was the Mike Tysons that kept our butts from being overtaken on multiple occasions.

Additionally, the track was swarming with community members pushing themselves. Good for them. Too bad they don’t have an F3 membership card…yet

In the end, Catch Me If You Can came out to about 2.5 miles…that was…excessive.



YHC gave a short speech about what F3 means to him, stated aspirations to become the next Greenacres, and an exhortation to pick up the 6.



  • Frostbite thinks he has UA this Fri. Schlitz immediately confirmed…so we’ll never really know if Frosty was the original Q for Friday or if he just absentmindedly volunteered and Schlitz was smart enough to recognize it.
  • Our counterparts at FiA are looking for a solid AO central to WS for some evening workouts this Fall. If you have a valid suggestion, please contact your local FiA representative or message me and I’ll pass the rec along.
  • Speaking of FiA, send your M their way!


Prayer requests

  • Burns’ friend who had a mountain biking accident a few weeks back has returned home, but has a long recovery ahead of him.
  • Schlitz’ 4 year old nephew got a concussion at his birthday party and there are some serious concerns for his recovery.
  • Ducky’s friend and neighbor had a stroke, prayers for him and his family.
  • Blue Steel is having a tough time. If you’d like to show support, you can sign up for a Meal Train, and you can also support his delicious coffee business Inti House! YHC has known BS since college – he’s a HIM if ever there was one!
  • YHC closed the group in prayer.

In all, a beantastic beatdown. Great crew of Pax to spend the morning with, and a great way to start off the next 43 years.

Next week Mutton has the Q! Mutton, I left the keys somewhere between corners 2 and 3. It was dark and I was trying to avoid being caught by Schlitz…things got crazy.


  • Frostbite
    August 28, 2024 9:50 am

    That was an awesome time, F&B! Happy Beans Day to all whom celebrate!

  • Burns
    August 28, 2024 10:14 am

    “A beantastic beatdown.” Yes!!! New vocabulary!

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