Demagogues in Parliament

Date: 2.4.25

PAX: Subfloor, Huckleberry, Chernobyl (DR from Wilmington), Tonka, Ziggy Stardust, Adobe, Starfish, Drama Queen, Blind Date, Bevo, Boomerang, Turnover (runner), Greenspan


The usual:  SSHs, Abes, Whirlies, Up/Down Dogs, Cherry Pies

The Thang:

Walk to retrieve blocks from pile (even this seemed to be a little confusing for the pax….prelude to what was to come).  Return to parking lot for review of the weinke and receive instructions.

  • Perform exercise 1 x 10 reps (all single-count). Murder Bunny with block x 1.  SSHs x 20 where you land.  Rifle carry back to start.  Every left + right step = 1 squat thrust with block.
  • Perform exercise 1 x 10 reps and exercise 2 x 10 reps. Murder Bunny with block x 2.  SSHs x 20 where you land.  Rifle carry back to start.  Every left + right step = 1 squat thrust with block.
  • Perform exercise 1 x 10 reps, exercise 2 x 10 reps, and exercise 3 x 10 reps. Murder Bunny with block x 3.  SSHs x 20 where you land.  Rifle carry back to start.  Every left + right step = 1 squat thrust with block.
  • Continue pattern.

(In retrospect, YHC should have posted a pre-blast with this level of detail as verbal instructions seem to deflect off the pax.)

Exercises were:

  • Curls
  • Squats
  • Windshield Wipers (Sit down and swing your legs over the block from one side to the other and back)
  • Side-to-Side Merkins
  • Lunges
  • V-Ups
  • Divebombers
  • RDLs
  • Heels to Heaven
  • OH Press
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Mountain Climbers

Return blocks, leaving 3 minutes for Mary:

  • H2H
  • Cobra Crunch
  • Huck’s 3 Merkins



  • Village Idiocy is turning 11 next Monday! Starfish has the Q.
  • Parliament is turning 10 next Tuesday! Drama Queen has the Q.
  • Drip has the Q at Alcatraz on Saturday.
  • GreenNest service is Saturday, 2/15/25. See Starfish.
  • Samaritan Ministries service night is Monday, 2/17/25. Let me know if can serve.
  • Impossible Situation is moving to a once-monthly format. The AO will convene the first Saturday of each month and any other time during a month that someone calls for a Saturday beatdown at Hanes Park.  The goal is to increase attendance and eventually get back on a monthly cadence.
  • Reminder of the emergency contact Google Sheet ( Please populate.

Prayer Requests:

  • Rollback’s wife is recovering after surgery.
  • Aging parents.
  • Lamb Chop & M’s desire for another child.


  • Great to meet Blind Date for the first time. From what YHC could tell, Blind Date comprehended the instructions and followed them better than the long-timers.  Blind Date is still waiting on a second date with Turnover.  TO blazed off on a Nomad run on his own and returned with 15 minutes to spare but, instead of joining us, jetted off to make the bacon for the ROCC men’s breakfast.
  • Drama Queen, who was positioned just beside the weinke, misled pax on the order of exercises; he advised dive bombers to follow the side-to-side merkins, which sounds like a terrible idea. DQ, honorable man that he is, fell on his sword and corrected his error.
  • Subfloor seemed to be an instigator of the rabble rousing that bubbled up. Something about instructions not being clear and him thinking that he was supposed to be doing squat thrust lunges, or something.  He got so frustrated that he broke his block, one chunk at a time.  #Kobains.
  • Chernobyl joined us from Wilmington on his way to a Pike Engineering leadership meeting in Greenville, SC. We had a few moments to compare our Venn diagrams and find many overlaps.  Dude was strong.  It’s always good to have down rangers, so make an effort if you’re traveling to visit another region’s AOs.
  • Starfish and Ziggy Stardust kept to themselves, not getting mixed up in the shenanigans going on around them.
  • Huck was so excited to get called upon for his three merkins; no one else shared his enthusiasm.
  • Boomerang said that he “didn’t hate the workout.” He also said, “Whatever, I do what I want.”
  • Bevo played Zamboni on the parking lot with his block, speed-pushing it across the surface. He later confided, “I didn’t want to mess up my back for my big golf trip out West.”
  • Tonka is still injured but moves better than most of us. T-claps to him for getting out and doing what he can.

Thanks, Adobe, for the keys.  I’ll do better next time.

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