No Purgatory for the Eagles (and a preview of hell for the Chiefs)

QIC: Burlap

Date: 08 Feb 2025

PAX: Linus, Tuna Roll (WB), Splash (aka, Tim the Greater), Mutton, D-Day, Green Acres (WD), Lamb Chop, Lemming, Superfly, Interference, Boomerang, Parkay, Starfish, and Burlap (QIC)

Pax of 14 made it out to a windy but dry mid – 40s winter morning and enjoyed an old school workout that went like this:

Warm up


Jump ropes IC


Merkins IC


Squats IC

Hillbillies IC

Mtn Climbers IC

Jump Squats OYO

Toy Soldiers IC (7)


Over to parking lot for active warmup down and back to second island:  Apollo Creeds, Karaoke, high knees, butt kickers, skips. (11)


To field for Beers and Sunshine:


10 Bobby Hurleys

20 smurfjacks

30 Boxcutters

40 squats

50 bearcrawl steps

60 SSHs (20)


To playground and partner up, A does 10 derkins B does SSHs then 9 then 8 down to 1.  Then switch and repeat. (24)



To tennis courts and Partner up different partner.   A starts at one end and B the other.   At one end do 25 plankjacks at other end do 20 squats.    Run to each other.  When meet do 10 partner alternating handslap merkins.  And go to other end for exercises. Repeat to (32)


Stay on court for Multiplier — four stations in the corners of monkey humpers, Russian Twists (dc), ISTs (dc) and diamond merkin.   Do 5 rounds of 5-10-15-20-25 each with short mosey between each.  (42)


H — 10 hand release merkins, run CCW to next corner,

O — 15 Overhead Claps, run CCW to next corner,

C — 20 Carolina Dry Docks run CCW to next corner,

K — 25 Kicks of the donkey run CCW to next corner,

E — 30 Elves on a Shelf run CCW to backstop,

Y — Your F3 name spelled on your six, legs together starting six inches off ground and and straight, spell your name with your feet.  (47)




Fire hydrants each leg

Freddie Mercuries

Dying Cockroaches

Heels to Heaven

Mutton Crunches




  • GreeNest is next week.
  • Prayers for aging parents and relatives.
  • YHC took us out.


  • Splash questioned not using the rocks in back nor the Lido deck, but was OK with that as there were no burpees.
  • We enjoyed a few guys who normally post at Impossible Situation — we hope they go back there soon!
  • The contents of the workout were pieces of other, older workouts that YHC has Qed.  I don’t think anyone else in F3 Nation uses the Beers and Sunshine routine.  That may be a sign that I should retire it.  (Probably not).
  • The Q tried to make the workout palatable for a couple of PAX with knee issues, but left in a good bit of sideways running and skipping.  Ooops.
  • Lampchop was probably the only PAX to make it to and mostly through the 25x round at the Multiplier.
  • YHC’s weak shower speaker ran out of gas about halfway through.   YHC blames it on Parkay who used the charger for his iPhone overnight.
  • The music was all Eagles, as they made good music through many years AND as I was silently predicting the slaughter that was Super Bowl LIX.
  • All around strong work and a little heavy breathing, but everyone handled the reps and the exercises.
  • At Coffeeteria, YHC had trouble remembering the 14th pax… even though he was sitting beside me trying to help me remember all the Pax.  Sorry, Starfish.

Thanks for the privilege of preparing and executing a workout at Purgatory, Undertow.  We missed you.




1 Comment

  • Green Acres
    February 11, 2025 5:09 pm

    Perfect amount of derkins but knee not ready for fire hydrants. 😄 Really nice workout. Well planned and executed! 👏

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