Burp Line Drills & A Pizza Box
QIC: Frostbite
Date: 03/04/2025
PAX: @Rollback (EC Burpees), @Burns (EC Run), @Greenspan (EC Run), @VanGogh, @Wobegon, @Spicoli (WD), @Bagpipe, @Frostbite (QiC, WB)
Good ole Flatline. A top-knotch AO with some serious #PAX. YHC knew he had to bring it to keep everyone satisfied. It was noted in the #Preblasts that many of the HCs (we had 4), were of men who may or may not have fartsacked on Monday, so the added pressure to make sure they got their money’s worth was taken into account.
YHC went into the archives for this one and stumbled upon a backblast from February 2020 written by the former ‘Nan @Wobegon and thus inspiration was born. Here is the original but I made modifications as I saw fit.
SIKE – this is #Flatline after all. Let’s get moving. YHC instructed the #PAX to follow him down 2nd street to the Second Street Park. Circle Up for squats OYO while YHC laid out the plan.
#PAX were to run back up 2nd street to launch (yes, we moseyed down a hill and immediately went back up the hill #CrowdPleaser). The Burp Line Drill went something like this:
The Thang:
Mosey to center cone: 4 burpees
Mosey back to starting line: 2 burpees
Mosey to far cone: 4 burpees
Return to starting line for Round 1 of routine detailed on the pizza box. Repeat Line Drill, move to Round 2.
The Rounds:
- 10 Wojo Squats
- 10 Wojo Squats, 20 HR Merkins
- 10 Wojo Squats, 20 HR Merkins, 30 LBCs
- 10 Wojo Squats, 20 HR Merkins, 30 LBCs, 40 Imperial Storm Troopers (DC)
- 10 Wojo Squats, 20 HR Merkins, 30 LBCs, 40 Imperial Storm Troopers (DC), 50 SSH
- 50 SSH, 40 Imperial Storm Troopers, 30 LBCs, 20 HR Merkins
- 50 SSH, 40 Imperial Storm Troopers, 30 LBCs
- 50 SSH, 40 Imperial Storm Troopers
- 50 SSH
- 10 Wojo Squats
Our Mantra(s): “Pick Up the 6” and “Leave No Man Behind but Leave No Man Where You Found Him” was in full effect and truly invigorating as all guys pushed to finish all 10 rounds. It was a special sight hearing the encouragement and the #PAX push one another.
10 seconds of Mary:
Low Flutter 5 x IC
YHC with his wrinkle attempted to slow down @Rollback and @VanGogh but they were at @LambChop’s pace this AM and did an excellent job picking up the 6
@Spicoli found us as we were running back up 2nd Street. Smart move on him to show up on #SpicoliTime to avoid running up the complete hill. He was seen doing even harder modifications throughout the workout.
@Burns disdain for the amount of DC IST was recognized and noted. Didn’t slow him down!
@Burns absolutely loved the music and had 100% accuracy on his band guesses. Something along the lines of, “Man, this takes me back to blaring music against my mom’s request with the windows rolled down back in 2011.” Love it.
@Bagpipe was impressed by his musical acumen.
Speaking of @Bagpipe, if you need that last little push, he is your guy. He went into straight #BeastMode that final round
@Greenspan was the silent assassin this #AM but worked hard and probably was the only one actually counting the reps
@Wobegon pretty early caught on to YHC’s plan. As we circled up for the Squats so YHC could lay out the plan, I could see his mind turning and he said, “wait a minute, this sounds familiar!” He did not appreciate the modifications on the extra burpee counts, though. The Former ‘Nan just keeps going.
The #PAX are testing me with all the announcements from this #AM so let’s see if I can remember all of them:
Samaritan Ministries Volunteer and #3rdF opportunity. March 17th. We need 4 #HIMs to step up. See @Greenspan or @Drip for details
@Burns has #BNW tomorrow. No Shelter. No Problem
Newly minted #SiteQ @Rollback plugged @Subfloor’s Birthday Q tomorrow at #Mayhem. There will be shelter, so I am sure there will be problems.
@Rollback has #TRQ Thursday. There will be burpees. And you will get 1 mile in. You have been warned.
@Greenspan has #WIB Thursday. Buena Vista Hill repeats. You have been warned.
@Blind Date has his #VQ Thursday at #TheDistillery. Dude is a beast and has been getting after it in 2025. Come out and Support.
@Wobegon on the Q for #CoffeeWithTheRuns this Sunday post Spring-forward. Ruckers, Walkers, and Runners all welcome. Pilot Creek Trail up in Pilot Mtn. See Slack for #ClownCar deets.
@Bagpipe is taking over #SiteQ at #TheIronThrone March 17th. #NationalHeritageDay for him.
@Bagpipe also has the Q March 19th at #Mayhem
Q SCHOOL MARCH 29th. PRE-PURGATORY. 0615. Come learn how to not Q like @Zima
Happy Hour (and a half) this Thursday. 5:30p-7(ish). See @Schlitz and Slack for details.
I think that is it…
@Bagpipe’s friend, JC, who is dealing with tough medical diagnosis. Luckily, not quite as bad as originally thought.
@Bagpipe is taking part in #Ramadan; for strength and peace.
World Peace in Gaza and Ukraine lay heavy on all of us. For Peace, sound leadership, and for accountability and countries to step up.
@Lambchop and his M for continued good news on their pregnancy journey
@Frank & Beans dealing with health issues and is on the IR for the time being
YHC took us out thanking the good Lord for the peace we have in Him and His promises for us. For His faithfulness. For friendships.
Thanks for the keys @Chick-Flick @VG. I left them at the bottom of 2nd Street. You guys crushed it this AM and I am thankful for each one of you.
All the love,
Playlist is below:
One more announcement – Kiwanis Club Pancake Jamboree on Friday, 6:30AM-8:00PM.
90% ain’t bad though…
Ah, yes. You are correct, sir. @Everyone Pancake Jamboree. Friday. Great Cause. @Burns is going for 2 plates. Who can top that?
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