Bringing The Beach Back From Vacation

QIC: Whirly

Date: 09/18/17

PAX: Cherry Pie, Balco, Snooki, Jar Jar, Chisel, BAM, Bunyan, Tuco, Swiss Miss, Root Canal, Huckleberry, Fokker, Razzie, Manscape, Whirly

15 gathered at The Estate this morning to learn about beach erosion in Surf City, NC this morning, but a workout broke out instead.


Capri pants (i.e. warmup) run to the island with a curb behind the silo

Seal Jacks x 20 IC

Imperial Surf Walkers (nautical themed ISTs)x 20 IC

Toy Surfers (nautical themed toy soldiers) x 20 IC


Capri pants run to first parking lot

Climate change (pax circle up and Al Gore, pax do a burpee until all have done one burpee)

Surfer Merkins x 5 OYO

Carolina Dry Docks x 20 IC

Crab Humpers x 20 IC

Capri pants run to parking lot adjacent to soccer field

Boat/Canoe (can’t remember the count- was hoping site Q would keep track, but he didn’t #iblametuco)

Six pack (5 merkins, 1 WWII sit-up, count down/up to 1 merkin, 5 WWII sit-ups)

Capri pants run to soccer field (run might be a stretch- it’s 5 meters from the parking lot)

C2C (“corner to corner” renamed Sea to Sea for this morning only)- 1 4×4 at each corner of the field

Crab jacks x 10 IC

Seal Crawl OYO across field until pax got tired from fatigue or disdain

Captain Morgan x 10 IC on each side

ALARM (stands for Arm, Leg. An, “R” exercise, “M” exercise)

Round 1

Arm- Jack Reachers x 25 IC

Leg- Lunge x 10 OYO each leg

Ab- Starfish Crunch x 20 IC

R- Run back and forth across field for 5 minutes

M- Merkin x 10 IC

Round 2

Arm- Beach Umbrella x 25 IC (like overhead clap but arms go down to side and back up)

Leg- Copperhead squat x 20 IC

Ab- Penguin Crunch x 20 IC

R- Ranger Merkins x 10 IC

M- Makhtar N’Diayes x 20 IC

Round 3

No time for Round 3

Bernie Sanders (backwards run back to parking lot for Mary)


Hurricane Hoedown (tribute to F3Wilmington who introduced this to Palin and YHC last week)


Since YHC just got back from the beach, I tried to orient the beatdown around a nautical motif (I was going to say “theme” but motif just sounded better at the moment).  In addition, the beach at Surf City, NC is completely nonexistent during high tide so we threw in some global warming/environmental stuff as well (some believe the eroding beaches are evidence of rising sea levels, despite the fact that some beaches are actually accreting).

The lexicon describes climate change as a good way to cut down on the mumble chatter, but most of the pax seemed to think it would tend to have the opposite effect.  BALCO really liked the idea of doing a burpee while all the pax observed which provided opportunity to admire or critique his form.

BAM said the surfer merkins sounded made up #itsinthelexicon

Due to poor planning, we didn’t do the crab humpers in front of the yoga joint.

The crab jacks were referred to as “the female equivalent” to the crab humpers.

When we did the seal crawl, most pax stopped before reaching midfield, but Root Canal went all the way across and back before most of the other pax quit.

If you run backwards from the soccer field to the parking lot, the distance is actually longer.


Redeemer Presbyterian is hosting the Ardmore RAH (Run Against Hunger) on October 21st.  There’s a 1 mile fun run, 5K and 10K.  You can do one event or any combination.  Proceeds go to Second Harvest Food Bank.

One of the members of my church just found out his cancer is in remission.  Even though most of you don’t know him, YHC hopes this can serve as encouragement to those who know someone who is battling cancer.  It doesn’t always win.


YHC took us out expressing gratitude for being surrounded by men who seek to make each other stronger, and asked for help in finding ways to do the same for our spiritual, mental and emotional health as well, and that we would look for opportunities to be leaders, not necessarily by occupying leadership positions, but by applying excellence of character to everyday life and the people around us for His glory and our joy.

Always an honor to Q.  Thanks for the keys Tuco, and thanks to the pax for the push.



  • Burlap
    September 18, 2017 3:43 pm

    Strong Q, Whitley. Root Canal is a beast or demented (or both). Don’t criticize Balco; he spends a lot of time looking at his burpee form in the mirror.

  • Steve Cavanaugh
    September 19, 2017 5:52 pm

    I had heard all about this Whirly. And the BB matched the hype. Well done!

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