Sometimes, you lose one

QIC: Mongoose

Date: 10/16/17

PAX: The Vig, Winklevoss, Bueller?, Balco, Zuckerberg, Mongoose

Speed Trap returned today, but not with the traditional format.  We (read:  YHC) decided to do some mileage with increasing speed each half mile.  @Ramses suggested a different format and then didn’t post due to the rain (he will melt, you know).  We would have ignored his suggestion anyway, as SpeedTrap is not a democracy.

Good thing @RedEye didn’t copyright his route for RnG because I totally stole part of it, extended it to match our desired distance, and then we barged in on their tabata at the end. Muchas gracias.  My only error was launching ST at 0520 instead of 0530, so I had to drive myself to Leinbach Park.


So we did ~5.7 miles total, with pace going from ~8:30 to ~ 6:30.  In theory.   Along the way, we lost The Vig.  He stayed with us for most of the route, but missed the turn from Millhaven onto Tallison.  At least he got some extra miles in.  He will be allowed to come back to Speed Trap.


Didn’t expect to see @Balco or @Zuck today due to their likely hangover from Bourbon Chase.  They posted strongly though.


Nothing more to see here.  Speed Trap will be back again next week.

1 Comment

  • Burlap
    October 16, 2017 8:11 pm

    Was hoping for a @Burlap reference but got @RedEye reference instead. Ok, BB approved.

    Impressed to see @Zuck and @Balco. I guess the (second) honeymoon is over and it’s back to reality.

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