Breaking Something in WeFoCo

QIC: Ramses

Date: 02/24/2018

PAX: The Vig, Balco, Winklevoss, Mongoose, Zuckerburg, Beverly, Juice Box, Plunger, Red Eye, Bluto, Bueller, Ramses, Hedwig, Van Gogh

Date – 02/24/2018

PAX – The Vig, Balco, Winklevoss, Mongoose, Zuckerburg, Beverly, Juice Box, Plunger, Red Eye, Bluto, Bueller, Ramses, Hedwig, Van Gogh



The #BreakSomething challenge, put out there by @Interference and @TheVig, has really taken on a life of its own these past few weeks. YHCs legs haven’t regularly been this sore in a long time, and from the looks of it many Dash PAX are getting faster… Even the fastholes!

#BreakSomething has grown so much in popularity, that today it officially spread into #WeFoCo! With @Ramses volunteering to put together a 10 mile route, YHC shared an unofficial #BreakSomething route done by @RoadApple and YHC back on February 3rd (when it was a balmy 14 degrees) in case he was interested… Safe, long routes are hard to come by in the area… After what I’m was much thought and careful deliberation, @Ramses decided it was good enough to share with group.

Prior to launch, running the route backwards was announced to get through the “busy” part of the route, running down Louisville-Clemmons to Hampton first.


The Thang

10 mile LSD (Long Slow Distance) or SLR (Slow Long Route)?



Cats were abundant this morning… Don’t the folks in #WeFoCo have something better to do than be out driving so early on a Saturday, like be asleep? By mile 5 the traffic disappeared as we switched to Dock Davis Rd. At this time, our fearless Nantan disappeared to drop some kids off at the pool… But said he would catch back up. Meanwhile, @Plunger was handing out snacks, but ironically had no water. We passed a very modern “home of the future” near Salem Glen before the massive hill down to and over a Creek. Should definitely be a future #FirstGear route. @Ramses put his stamp on the route by running us toward the Tanglewood entrance instead of the back way over gravel, making it his own. #GravelIsDangerous

Just at the end, the fastholes caught up to us all, with 3 out of 4 passing YHC and @Hedwig with .25 miles to go. The 4th, @Winklevoss, looked like a stranger with his glasses on, and scared YHC into high gear on the last stretch to avoid getting passed. #StrangerDanger

Timing was perfect as the #DawgPounders wrapped up as we were all arriving. The decision to converge CoTs came after an agreement was struck that we didn’t have to do burpees if they didn’t have to run 7 more miles. #Diplomacy

At this point we were all getting worried that our Nantan missed the turn on Dock Davis, since he was not seen by the Fastholes; and that he could be knocking on Richard Childress’ door asking for help (his Manson is a ways down Hampton, it’s the one with vineyards). @Mongoose, @Beverly and @Balco sprung into action to fan out and find our fearless leader, while a small faction remained by his car. About 5 minutes later he safely arrived, to thunderous applause and sighs of relief, completing the full route.

Good work this morning, men! Keep safely pushing through the #BreakSomething challenge, without actually breaking anything.



1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    February 24, 2018 2:50 pm

    I don’t care who you are., that’s impressive. For a glorious half mile or so, YHC and the rest of the Dawgpound Pax were actually running with the #fastholes and #breaksomething guys.
    As mentioned during COT, now that you all know how to drive west…come on out to BBBC! SYITG.

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