B&W – 3/29/2019


Date: 3/29/2019

PAX: Boomerang, Closure, Bluto, Cousin Roy, Singing Cowboy, Jalopy, TSA, Interference, Wobegon, Zuckerburg, Lace, Manscape


SSHs, ISTs, Arm Swirly Things (Front and Back), Whirlys, Hillbillies, Failure to Launch

The Thang

10 burpees

Each PAX selected a partner; Size did not matter

The PAX paired off with a battle-buddy having more or less equivalent speed/stamina/enthusiasm, resulting in six 2-man teams

The PAX all started at the top of each list. First Curls for the Girls and Plank Jacks. Then we enjoyed a nice run around the student drop-off circle. Then we moved to the next set of exercises, ran, and you get the idea that we continued working through each of the listed exercises.

20 reps were required.

Partner #1

  1. Curls – 10/Arm
  2. Skull Crushers
  3. Kettle Bell Swings
  4. Straight Leg Deadlifts
  5. Bent Over Rows
  6. Lunges
  7. Chest Press
  8. Goblet Squats
  9. Wide Merkins
  10. Upright Rows
  11. Overhead Press
  12. Ranger Merkins
  13. Calf Raises

Partner #2

  1. Plank Jacks
  2. Low Flutter
  3. LBCs (w/ KB)
  4. Rosalitas
  5. Mutton Crunch–10/side
  6. WW2 Situps
  7. Heels to Heaven
  8. Monkey Humpers
  9. American Hammer
  10. Freddie Mercs
  11. Dying Cockroach
  12. Pickle Pounders
  13. Mountain Climbers

The PAX worked out continuously, constantly moving back and forth until 6:15 hours arrived.


Not required due to the abs/core workout the entire time

Announcements & Prayer Requests

Closure is entering into a time of job transition as his business unit will be closing in 60 days

Cowboy commented about several AOs praying for mental health day and asks for prayers for any and all that are suffering from mental illness

Cowboy graciously took us out