Beautiful morning at The Estate – and a heartfelt paragraph from Bluto

QIC: Bluto

Date: 5/6/19

PAX: Lemming, Balco, Huckleberry, Snooki, Offsides, Little Piggy, Razzy, Spamalot, Drip, Touch Me Not, Thistle, Manscape (WD), Chisel, Closer, Litter Box (WB), Bluto

16 PAX met on a delightful morning at #TheEstate.  Some #Fastholes, Balco and Litter Box, graced us with their presence.  The PAX got their money’s worth while putting up with a hobbling  YHC, who’s eagerly anticipating hip surgery next week.


Here’s approximately what we did:


Mosey to traffic circle for Fast feet, Irkins, Fast feet, Derkins, Fast feet, Dips.

Mosey to the Trailhead.  Run to each (lit, yellow) lamp for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Carolina Dry Docks.  Then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Squats.  The Fastholes picked up the 6 each time.

Zombie and Frankenstein walks in the parking lot.

Mosey up the hill to a campus building with steps.  Bear crawl, Hopscotch, then Side Bear Crawl up said steps.  Repeato.

Mosey back to Trailhead.  At (lit, yellow) lamps for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 Merkins, then 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 Squat Jumps.

Mosey to the shopping area courtyard with the fountain.  Wall sits with Jack Reachers and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (Knees and Toes).

Mosey to the parking lot for Mary.





Announcement – There will be a #Convergence of IS and Purgatory at Samaritan Ministries Downtown at 7 am on Saturday, May 18th.  Details to come from Cherry Pie.  Charlie Fox Trot will happen as per usual.

Prayer Requests – Burlap and Lysol are digging wells in Honduras.  Closer has job interviews this week.  YHC is having hip surgery next Wednesday.

YHC took us out.


MC – Great effort today.  Tough keeping up with Litter Box and Thistle.

Balco with some typical snide comments about Q instructions.

Where the hell did Snooki come from?


I truly enjoyed Q’ing this morning.  It makes me sad that I will not be out with my F3 brothers for a few months starting next week.  F3 is such an inspiration and source of joy for me and I’ll be anxious to get back out there when the time is right.  I appreciate the support, encouragement, advice and love as I’ve navigated my next steps regarding surgery.  You gentlemen are truly special to me.




1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    May 6, 2019 9:03 pm

    The pleasure was all ours. Nantan lived up to his reputation of being the most polite Q around. Best wishes for the surgery and for a speedy recovery. We will try not to wreck the place while you are away…..

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