The Bricker Visits Parliament

QIC: Goofy

Date: 05/14/2019

PAX: Burlap, Boomerang, TheSingingCowboy, Schneider, Whirly, SgtSchultz, Gucci, 60 Minutes, BlueLightSpecial, InkSpot, Goofy

Warm-o-Rama: The usual for @Goofy

The Thang

Grab some bricks – 2 each.

Line up across parking lot and then do the following increasing by multiples of 1, then by 2’s then 3’s, then 4’s until across the lot (I think we got to multiple of 7)

  1. Walking lunges,
  2. squats
  3. OH Press
  4. Curls

Run to the lower field.

A Field of Burpees.

In the field. Line up on goal line.  With your bricks, proceed toward opposing goal, walk 10 yards, then do 1 burpee, bear crawl 10 yards, do 2 burpees, walk 10 yards 3 burpees, bear crawl 10 yards, 4 burpees, repeating this pattern until cross field.

Mosey to hill.


1 SSH at bottom,, 6 plank jacks at top, then 2 SSH at bottom, 5 plank jacks at top, repeating pattern until finish with 6 SSH and 1 Plank Jack.  All while carrying your bricks.

Mosey back to return bricks and then get blocks

Block howlers

Pax holds static curl position half way up, while around the circle each pax takes turns doing 5 curls each.  Repeat this same pattern with Squats and then Skull Crushers, holding static while each pax takes turn performing called exercise.

Mary:  some American hammers and low flutters.

COT:  YHC took us out

Announcements/Prayer Concerns

  • VQ at the Distillery!  Come out and support @Gucci
  • Convergence of Purgatory and IS this weekend at Samaritan.  Encourage everyone to post and support/learn more about this great organization
  • Charlie Foxtrot is happening.  @Burlap has the Q
  • @Bluto has his hip replacement surgery tomorrow.  Keep he, his caregivers and his family in your prayers
  • A friend/co-worker of @Scheinder’s had a bad accident and is recovering


  • Great group this morning! Despite the expectations for tunes this morning, there wasn’t a lot of complaining
  • @BlueLightSpecial got the special treatment this morning from the maintenance crew at the school.  He walked to the door and they actually let him in to use their facilities.  YHC is guessing that they immediately regretted that decision.
  • YHC is pretty sure there was a lot of cheating on the Field of Burpees
  • A Bricker workout (where you carry bricks the whole time) can be surprisingly hard. It usually catches up with me later in the day.  YHC first did a bricker in F3Clevland
  • Just a stunningly beautiful morning.  Temps in the 50’s.  Blue Sky.  Sun rose early enough to ensure we saw some light during the workout.
  • Always thankful to be out with each of you.  You make me a better man.