Fighting Flatline at Flatline

QIC: Toe Tag

Date: 7/2/19

PAX: Thistle (WD), Dr Toot Canal, Van Gogh, Pita, HOG, Ryan C The Salad Bar (WB), Honey Badger, Tar Hill, PayPal or Pinto, Palin, NANL (No Arms No Legs)

July is the start of a new year.  The mid year new year is based on the medical training schedule for residents who start their residency training on July 1st. Yes, there are some residents that start earlier, but for the most part the new doctors start July 1st.  There are plenty of jokes going around about avoiding the hospital or health care in July.  In general it is a good idea to try and avoid hospitals most of the time.  That is one of the reasons that many of us do F3.  In all seriousness, July is a time that many in the medical field are starting new jobs or increasing their responsibility.  It is really great to be able to be a part of this annual “great resident migration” where the new ones come in and the graduates leave.

So, Pita has been trying to get YHC back out for some time and he knew the only way to guarantee an appearance was to get a Q on the schedule.  YHC can’t use the, “I’m working that day” line since Pita has a copy of the schedule.  It has been quite some time since YHC has been to Flatline or any F3 workout really.  With it being a new year YHC thought that it was time to bring back the perpetual FNG “NANL” to the workout.  Several of the folks recognized “NANL” when they saw him and knew what was in store for the day’s activities.

The circle was formed while the disclaimer and mission statement were given to a real FNG and the instructions were given as we started the workout.

The Thang:  We started a series of one minute of an exercise followed by a minute of a different exercise, and so on until 0615.  One Pax would do CPR on “NANL” for a minute at a time while the rest of the Pax did the exercise.  There was some discussion on the proper form and indications for performing CPR.

We started in the parking lot with:




High Knees


OH Claps


Shoulder Taps

Seal Claps

We then Moseyed to Winston Park for more fun where we did:


Step Ups R

Step Ups L

Box Jumps

Step DownsR

Step Downs L



Low Flutter

Split Squats R

Split Squats L

We then Moseyed over to the wall near 1st Pres and did:


Wall Sits


Australian Mtn Climbers

Fast Feet

Jack Reachers

Plank Jacks

Squat Jumps

Then we moseyed over to the Parking Garage for:

Burpee Pull UPs

Box Cutter


Sweat Angel

Knees to Chest


Blocked Shot Drills


The last mosey back to the starting point for:



That was it.


It was great to be out this morning.  It has been some time since the last post and there were many new faces with a few of the regular crowd thrown in for good measure.

A certain super fit tall tech guy tried to call out YHC alleging that YHC did not remember the mission of F3.  YHC was able to spout it off and was rapidly corrected by a smaller man.  It is mens small not small mens, grammar matters.

It would seem that there has been an official name change for the good Dr Toot Canal, but he was noticeably silent on that end today.

Everyone was really putting in the work today and YHC appreciates the tolerance of the group.  There were some timing miscues and volume issues but everyone just rolled with it.

This is not the first time we have done the CPR themed workout and YHC was very glad to see more people than the 3 others that endured the previous version.  Many hands makes light work.

As Pita pointed out, put hands on the person’s chest and do compressions even if it seems like they may be barely  breathing.  If they tell you to stop, then it is okay to stop doing compressions.  In general you can just do compressions without having to breathe for them unless they were a victim of a lightning strike or drowning (they need breathing).   If anyone has any questions about basic CPR or anything medical just ask one of the many doctors that frequent the Dash workouts.

We have added another doctor to the Pax, The Salad Bar – FNA Ryan C, he is an ophthalmology resident who happens to be good friends with some of the few emergency medicine residents that don’t post.  Maybe he can get them out to join us.  His name came about after many eye related medical themed names were tossed around with no traction.  He is an Ohio state fan and a played basketball in college and his favorite food is steak.  Salad bar got tossed out and Honey Badger said “The Salad Bar”. The name stuck.  So now we have a TSA and a TSB.

YHC has not been out much lately with some travel, lots of work and trying to rehab some injuries.  It is always an honor to be a part of the group and a bigger honor to lead.  YHC greatly appreciates everyone sharing their time this morning.

Announcements:  Convergence on the 4th at Jamison park near Mayhem.

COT:  YHC took us out giving us strength to be the lights in the darkness and to be the change that we want to see in the world.  There was also a request for help for everyone struggling.


1 Comment

  • Van Gogh
    July 2, 2019 9:46 pm

    #TClaps on the educational and challenging Q! Great to see you out in the gloom again, sir! Also it was very nice to meat Pinto!

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