QIC: Tritangle (FIA), Honeydew (FIA), Burns, Turnover

Date: 07/04/2019

PAX: All F3 and FIA PAX welcome!

This Thursday marks the 4th of July, a wondrous holiday worthy of a convergence! All regularly scheduled F3 AOs will converge for a special 0700 beatdown at Jamison Park (next to #Mayhem). If you are a site-Q, please bring your shovel flags to put our country’s Stars & Stripes proudly on display.

This convergence will also include the women of FIA!

BYOB so you can cool off and hang out for a while after.

#DoubleDown opportunity for America’s #BirthdayMurphday launching at 0600. Partial Murphs and modifications welcome! Plan to be done by 0645.

Parking map is below, please park in primary parking location next to the shelter first, then use the marked overflow lot if necessary.