A Bug’s Life at Parliament

QIC: Spamalot

Date: 07/23/19

PAX: Schneider (WB), DQ (WB), Ziggy Stardust, The Singing Cowboy, Bulldog, Spamalot

A cloudless sky cloudy and miserable sky greeted Pax at this week’s edition of PARLIAMENT.  As an aside, not sure what it says that on the day that Parliament occurs, it appears that Boris Johnson will be the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.  As a brief refresher, Boris Johnson was one of the prime architects of the Brexit movement and resulting vote.  Regardless of where you stand on Brexit, the U.K. government has made a real mess of it.  Further proof that all countries (like people) have their own issues and own problems.

Fortunately, a little rain was easily handled by the Pax.  Parliament has extensive covered areas, and we availed ourselves of it.

TCLAPS to DQ, Schneider, and THE Singing Cowboy as they completed the #MashMile EC run beforehand.  Interestingly, Sourmash?  Not present.  Schneider was under the impression that YHC was also going to run…not so Mr. Perry.


Anyhoo….at the stroke of 5:30am it was time to circle up under the covered area for Warm-o-RAMA:

SSH x 20 IC

Arm swirly things:  forward (x 10), reverse (x 10) all IC

HOLD IT for seal claps x 20 IC

Copperhead squats x 15 IC

Whirly (still) has the Clap x 15 IC

Abe Vigoda x 5 IC

Merkins x 10 IC



At this point, the rain had let up enough that YHC was able to stick to the initial plan.


Pax were instructed to face the school.  We would perform Fast Feet.  Then turn around and transport ourselves to the cones placed about half-way into the parking lot and then return to the front of the school using the same method of transportation.  Thus we performed:

Fast Feet x 15 IC

High Knees

Fast Feet x 15 IC

Butt Kickers

Fast Feet x 15 IC

Apollo Creed

Fast Feet x 15 IC

Apollo Creed (facing opposite way)

Fast Feet x 15 IC


Fast Feet x 15 IC

Karaoke (facing opposite way)


Mosey to cinder block area.

Grab a block for:

Curls x 20 IC

OHP x 20 IC

Skull Crushers x 20 IC

Bent over Rows x 20 IC


John Cusack (block overhead) to front of school.


Transport block to first point (about 15 feet).  Leave block.  Return to starting point (using same method of transport).  Perform exercise.  Return to block, retrieving it.  Return to starting point.  Perform exercise.

  • Round 1: Lunge walk.  SSH x 10.  Lunge walk.  SSH x 20
  • Round 2: Walk.  Squats x 10.  Walk.  Squats x 20
  • Round 3: Walk.  OHP x 10.  Walk.  OHP x 20

Time for DORA.  (under covered area, as rain returned)

Exercises (with block):

Curls x 100

OHP x 200

Squats x 300

Running partner traveled down length of covered area and back.


All teams finished DORA.  Strong work!

Return blocks to their resting place.  Back to covered area for MARY:

LBCS, Mutton Crunches (both sides), low flutter.  All IC.  All x 15





Nothing like crappy weather in the summer to bring out the best in the Pax.  Strong work by all.  Appreciate the push.

TClaps to Ziggy Stardust.  Appreciate the partner work during DORA.  Also, would never know that Ziggy was AWOL from F3 for most of the summer.  Does not appear that he has lost a beat.  Good to have you back!

Greatly appreciate DQ pointing YHC to the Moth Joke by the great Norm Macdonald.  DQ clearly has figured out YHC’s sense of humor.  Do yourself a favor and Google “Norm Macdonald Moth Joke.”  Legend.

Schneider does impressions.  We learned that he does a good Whirly, as evidenced by the fact that he had to bolt during COT.  The cause…stomach issues.  Hope all is well!

Bulldog has returned from Spain no worse for the wear.  Agreed that it is strange to think that a week or so ago being in Europe and now back in the #Dash.  Love traveling, but it is always great to be home.

YHC has been fortunate enough to post with TSC a lot recently.  He dragged me around Tractors last Friday.  Look though you may, a nicer Pax you will not find.  Proud to call him a friend.

If you are looking for any flying insects…they live under the covered area at Parliament.  All of them.


Announcements/Prayer Requests

Shmedfest – August 24.  Check Twitter for details.  Convergence work out with FiA and 2.0s that Saturday at the Fairgrounds.  More details to follow.

WIB on August 1 will launch from Bluto’s house.  More details soon.  TSC very happy.

Continued prayers for Phelps (Keith Penner) and his family.  His 16 year old son was missing for several hours yesterday.  Fortunately, he was found and they are reunited.


YHC gave thanks for the morning and opportunity to be together.  Asked for strength to be a force for good, and to be nice to everyone we meet.

Sgt. Shultz – thank you. You were missed!

