Just 2 MoFoCos in WeFoCo

QIC: Sour Mash

Date: 08/02/2019

PAX: Schneider (WD), Sour Mash (WB)

The title says it all, but wait there’s more…

At 0525 it was just #TheBrothersPerry.  YHC tried to talk Schneider into just going home, since both of us had already discussed we were only going to walk a couple miles (see why below), but Schneider wasn’t having that.  Thanks for the push, Bro!

Routes were posted a day late (but still way earlier than OGs/Tractors) and YHC even tried to EH some Winstonians via Twitter to come join the Clemmonites for #BBBC.  Maybe my Q reputation precedes me, maybe my farts stinks, maybe YHC just stinks in general.  Whatever it is, YHC failed to get any other PAX out this morning except for his own brother.  But hey, that’s what family is for, right?

YHC is doing the Hal Higdon 10K Training Plan to help get myself ready for the Tuna 200.  Friday’s are supposed to be a rest day, but since YHC is SiteQ, YHC needs to be there to support the AO.  Walking seemed like a good alternative.  YHC also recently purchased a fat tire bike, though it hasn’t yet arrived, and will probably ride a few of the BBBC routes over the next couple of months.

Schneider had a soccer game last night, so he wanted some recovery walking, as well he should.  That MoFoCo has been putting in the work this year at F3.  YHC is super proud of his dumb older brother and all that he’s accomplishing.  If you haven’t seen Schneider lately, ask him to take you to the gun show, you won’t be disappointed!

So that’s it!  We walked about 2 miles at a comfortable pace and had a nice chat about family and life.  It was nice to slow things down a little and just talk.  2nd F is important and sometimes its great to just get some one on one time with your family or friends.