Surviving the Village Doctor
QIC: Goofy
Date: 08/19/2019
PAX: Sassy, Gucci (WB), The Singing Cowboy, DQ (WD), Fender, Schneider, Goofy (Q)
7 Pax paid a visit to the Village Doctor this morning. Everyone met their full deductible of humidity in the 45 minute visit.
WARM-O-RAMA: The usual stuff for Goofy
Call it Kevorkian, Partner Assisted Suicides or whatever you want, its a tough workout that @Starfish introduced me to a while back. It’s now one of my “go to” beat downs.
Partner up. Line up on one side of the parking lot. P1 runs to the first tree while P2 does called exercise. Upon return FlapJack. Partners repeato to 2nd tree, 3rd tree, and finally a fourth tree about 50 yards away. When both partners have each completed the 4 distances/called exercise, plank for the 6. Then the Q called when it was time to move to the next called exercise and repeat.
Called Exercises:
Alternating lunges
Plank Jacks
Wide Merkins
Jump Squat
Penguin Crunch
Burpees (crowd pleaser)
MARY: called round robin style
COT: YHC took us out with prayers
- Schmedfest events:
- Preview Party – This Wed at Foothills Brewery’s location off of Kimwell Drive
- Workout Saturday morning 8-9
- The Main Event: Saturday at the Fairgrounds 4-9.
- Great event that supports Crisis Control
- Arts for Life fund raiser in September. Come out and support @Fender and a great cause
- The Q forgot a speaker, so we had to use my car with the tailgate up for the promised tunes. Thankful for a good battery
- @Fender and @DQ were about half lap ahead most of the way, and then they return to human form and the rest of us caught up.
- At one point, @Fender challenged @SingingCowboy and they sprinted all out. Soon thereafter, I saw @SC with his hands on his knees taking a breather.
- The mileage was clocked at 1.76 miles. Not bad for a @Goofy workout, but we rain no more than 100 yards at a time!
- The humidity was a real killer. It’s amazing how much harder it is to navigate through this crap in a workout.
- YHC received enough groans to call it a success. Blame @Starfish for introducing it to me. Sometimes the simple ones hurt the most.
- Thanks for the keys @Sassy, also a pleasure to be with the boys from #WeFoCo