An open WIB Q in December……yhc was all over it.  And 5 pax gathered to celebrate. Warm o rama – I wasnt feeling it.  needed to get to the beatdown.  so to check the box we did: 3 SSH, 3 IW, 2 Abe V. to make sure we were all...

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Christmas at Conspiracy

Perfect weather for December.  Cool enough to think you might need long sleeves, warm enough to know better and regret it 5 minutes in.  And, oh boy, did we get into it today. Warmarama: SSHs, Abes, Whirlies, Cherry Pies The Thang: Mosey to...

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Burnsy Claus Visits Again

Who keeps letting this guy come back? WoR – mobile to get warmer faster. SSH, Whirlies, Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldiers, and Michael Phelps all x12 ic. We made our way from launch up to the courtyard in front of the med school, and found a...

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Burpee Insanity

December 2024’s Challenge is burpees for this month.  I committed to Q’ing about 3 months ago.  Of course, we all get busy, and this week has been no less busy being that I am headed out on vacation on Sunday.  However, the Duck holds to his...

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TWIT (The Wet Iron Throne)

The weatherpersons got it right this time.  It was raining.  It was mid-40s.  It would have deterred many lesser men (including possibly YHC), but not the 10 HIMs who joined YHC at TIT for their morning red pill. Warmarama: SSHs, Abes, Whirlies...

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High Life

YHC arrived a few minutes late due to a terrible accident on 40.  Thankfully, Frostbite was there to pick up my slack until I arrived.  There was a brief warm-a-rama before we left on our journey around Ardmore. My plan was to treat this chilly...

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