Red Pill Blue Pill

Red Pill Blue Pill

PAX were invited to take the red or blue pill today but to fill the time YHC thinks everyone took everything. Warm up Did a bit of Abe Vigoda (oyo) with game explanation at beginning. Did a bit of arm swirly things back and front while Cherry Pie...

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I Hear You Run at Flatline

Site Q Bevo requested my presence as Q some time ago and how does one say no to Bevo.  YHC had not been to Flatline in some time, but I do have fond memories of the early days of Urban Assault when we launched from same parking lot.  YHC was also...

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Crab Hill

These men can to work!   We did a sufficient warmup as we were going to us all of our body. We then headed to the bottom of the Hill to Nowhere but grabbed a rock (size: something tough for 10 curls and flat).   we all lined up and I...

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BBBC Party in EaDaCo

YHC has begun to make it a tradition to Q on YHC’s birthday, so when the Q calendar showed emptiness at BBBC for this Friday, YHC reached out to the Site Q/Mayor of WeFoCo for the opportunity. The only requirement was that we were...

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Even dozen showed up in the brisk of the morning to taking on one simple tasks- to count 20-15-10-5 many times. Some chose a regrettable rock size, some did not. It went something like this. *WoR* IST Seal Claps Arm Swirly Things (both ways) Hill...

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WIB at The Estate

It was a lovely morning at the most historic AO in all of Dashpax-land.  A last minute call out from @RootCanal that a Q was needed, so YHC decided to be selfish and pick a spot close to home.  Dusting off a previously used WIB is always fun...

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Diversified Ethereum

Diversified Ethereum

Substi-Q this fine morning and without time to make a new Q decided to bring Ethereum to Parliament and try something a little different. None of the PAX had experienced it yet which was great. Ethereum is up about 50% since March. Warm up SSH...

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