Idiotic Mini-Doras in the Village

YHC made a triumphant return to the premier Monday WeFoCo workout, Village Idiocy. The weather was surprisingly misty, but enabled us to stay cool as we were going to warm up quickly in this workout! YHC stumbled across this workout in the phone...

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Don’t Pop a Quad

This bb is being written almost 2 weeks after the actual event thanks to a busy schedule and a week of vacation so some recollections may not be exact.  And with an upcoming Q tomorrow morning YHC will have to compose another one sometime in the...

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Arm Day

Another day with Bullwinkle taking Q Supermaxx. As you expected, farmer carry day and a surprise workout for the Pax.   Warmup started a little different since Van Gogh and YHC were the only ones to be there  time. And since the preblast...

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BBBC Meets Yellowstone

4 of us signed up for the virtual Dutton Ranch 10k and chose today to run it somewhat together. I believe all that ran chose the 10 k route as well. Except for Red Baron who’s gps took him to the old library, and he made up his own route that...

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Howling Everything at TRQ

First off, YHC would like to apologize for the light workout. Don’t think anyone in this beastly group broke a sweat this morning. Tried something new with rocks and isometrics but it was fun. Thanks to Palin’s incessant help as co-Q, we got...

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Warmup:  SSH,Copper head squats, Hillbillies, Arm swhirly  F, hold, B, hold Overhead claps, hold, Seal claps, standing hamstring stretch, groin stretch, bent leg body twist. The Thing: Toy soldiers and lunge walk to gym wall for wall sit with...

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Supermax 9.25.21

YHC took us behind WFHS after a quick WoR to find the pull-up bars used by the Titan ROTC program. Everyone chose a rep count they felt was challenging enough, yet repeatable for 40 mins (everyone chose either 3 or 4 reps). Complete a set, run...

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IS #1 Workout

I decided to bring my dog this morning because she is lazy and wanted to see the work she could put in. And she had an absolute blast and made a new best friend in Picnic Basket. Warm-O-Rama 20 SSH, 10 Abe Vigoda, 10 Whirly, 15  Imperial Walker...

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