There’s a fresh wave of that annual chilling atmosphere on the horizon. YHC has been driving and walking around the neighborhood and has seen all manners of ghouls and haunts – spiderwebs, skeletons, zombies, and myriad other undead...

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Mt. Rushmore at WIB

PAX: Cherry Pie, Bevo, Greenspan, Drip, Root Canal A great coolish, subtly breezy morning greeted 4 of the best PAX arrived at Thruway Shopping Center for a simple and effective beatdown. Warmorama is more stretchy stretchy with a bit of pulse...

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A little Run a Round

After supermax Q I wanted to make sure the ones that stayed and the ones that came for the Alcatraz workout would get their money’s worth. So we ran and ran! Also, breaking news…Zima made his first compliment in F3 history…he liked my music. The...

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Cinder Block party

This morning I decided to take Van Gogh’s advice for supermax and keep it simple!! We grabbed some cinderblocks and got after it. We also had the pleasure of welcoming an FNG, better known as Emilio! I gave the mission and principles, but Zima...

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Feel the burn?

Forgive me for the tardiness of this post!   We gathered at the ROCC and I realized I was glad to have not doubled down with Super Max as I heard there was a ton of pull-ups that Burns put the PAX through.   Per usual, YHC put together...

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Corn Hole to Nowhere

VQ for me @ Mayhem today! Thank you guys for the support. Michael Phelps arm swirly things forward/back Abe V whirly with a clap toy soldier hill to nowhere 1/2 up Bernie Sanders  burpees at the top! curls skull crushers squats jump squats WW II...

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IPSEA and Lamp Chop

10 pax originally gathered for a Huck led Conspiracy.  yhc had originally planned something nice and simple.  Then Palin explained the backlash from Qing IPC at conspiracy last week.  that was intriguing…..  Then Lamp Chop reached out and...

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Redline 9/28/21

YHC was feeling a bit uninspired thinking about what to do for redline, started looking at old backblasts and it seemed the usual plans were getting worn out. With the SiteQ planning to be absent, I knew I could get away with flirting with the...

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