Van Gogh Beat Down

8 Pax showed up for a wonderful beatdown. Since it was Van Gogh birthday we did all things he loves. Started off with 37 Slaughter Starters, then into the warm up. Warm up was all in cadence side straddle hop, toy soldier, and arm whirley. We ran...

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Near Perfect at TRQ

What do you get when you combine temps in the 50’s, 16 Pax, 2 FNG’s and a Pre-workout Murph – a near perfect F3 morning.  The only thing not close to perfect was a rusty Q who could not get through the F3 preamble with significant...

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Why the Basketball Court?

Well the 4th of 5 Q’s in 10 days for YHC was Parliament this week and I wanted to spend some time of the far reaches of the AO. So read on to see what we did. Standard stuff for Warmarama-SSH, IST, Arm Thingys, Whirlies, etc. Off to get...

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Pyramid Scheme at B&W

16 PAX embraced a recycled workout this morning at Bells & Whistles. Embraced is a loose term…hated, revolted, abolished are probably more proper terms, and that’s just what YHC thought of the workout. YHC touched base with Burns...

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A Morning Sunrise

As I thought last night about what I wanted to accomplish in the morning, I was struck with the inspiration of viewing a sunrise all while executing a beat down. Thus the quest to find the sunrise began. Warm O Rama 20 SSH 10 Abe Vigoda 20 Squats...

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BBBC in Alcatraz!

YHC led the men of #WeFoCo on a second consecutive day. This time, it was running through the neighborhoods of Clemmons again searching for breakfast. We came up short, but the routes were much more planned out than the preparation that the PAX...

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