Lunge Central at Super Maxx

YHC started preparing for this Q with VG’s guidelines of “four total movements” top of mind. That said, one of the four movements turned out to be considerably more time of the workout than the others! I will let you guess which...

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Spring has not Sprung

YHC had the privilege of being the Q today at TRQ, the premier non-running Core and Strength workout at Speas on Thursdays. Today’s morning temp was a balmy 41 according to the Audi, so the winter attire, including a toboggan were a good...

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Rock Your Body

  Brisk temperatures across the Triad greeted the Pax this beautiful Thursday morning. On the way in, YHC saw that Sheetz had gas so a quick fill up was necessary.  Still time to arrive to Jamison Park and see that no other Pax were there. ...

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Distillery Dora

Warm-O-Rama consisted of  shit like arm swirlies, Abe vigoda, SSH, and various stretches.  We don’t stretch enough. The THANG was predictable for a Sour Mash Q…DORA! 100 Pubic Wigs 200 LBCs 300 Squats and for shits and giggles, YHC added...

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Iron Banjo

Do you hear a banjo? There was much love for the one song with banjo music last week at Double Dutch. So, if one is good then more is better. Right? Some may have said that it was too much of a good thing. Listen to the playlist and make your own...

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A Quartet for Parliament

It was a perfect brisk morning for an early morning beatdown and the rain held off. It went as follows: THE THANG: WARM-A-RAMA SSH x Abe Vigoda Whirly with the Clap Walk/mosey to the wall for more warm ups WALL All oyo: Jack Reachers x 20...

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Was the Q Angry…

While YHC didn’t check the history of Q’s at Flatline, I do believe it may have been my first Q there, the more you know.  After a detailed conversation about the cost of wet suits it was time to start.  As many wise Q’s had...

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