Late Night Substi-Q on Running Day

This isn’t a fish tale, but 5 Qs got away from today’s Urban Assault honors before YHC found himself on the hook in the middle of the night.  It probably wasn’t the whopper that Posthole was imagining he was getting with the first nibbles, but it...

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Burns All Day

PAX: Burns(WB), Boo Boo, Cherry Pie, The H.O.G., Mutton, Dr. Toot(WD), Work Bench, Red Baron, Zima, Greenspan, Huckleberry A substantial crowd arrived at Calvary Day parking lot for a WIB-style beatdown and a hardy congrats to Burns for his...

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Heading Downtown

Mosey to Saw Tooth 30 SSH Head to Cycle Bar: 30 Freddie Mercs in Cadence. 50 Various Squats To Mellow Mushroom 50 WWII Head Down 4th street: 5 Burpees at each Bar or Restaurant (At CVS pick up the Six) #twelvedoors! Head to Millennium Center...

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Old men and fools at TRQ

It was a blustery morning on the plains of Speas Elementary, the April Fools rolled in anyway.  YHC found a place out of the breeze, at least for YHC, and began playing the “fools themed” tunes.  At approximately 0528, the Q...

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Site Q Q

YHC couldnt line up a Q for today which means the PAX were stuck with YHC. GUCCI WARM UP SSH IST ArmSwirls f&b OH Clap Seal Clap Moroccan Night Clubs Jack Reachers Abe Vagota Whirly w/clap Hamstring stretch r&l Back stretch Bent Leg Body...

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This workout was the TITs

On Sunday morning my phone calendar reminded me of my Q duty at Iron Throne that was dolled out to me about 3 months ago (before the site even started). Luckily, I lived right beside the site Q to confirm this appointment – it was true...

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Working Hard in the Prison Yard

50 SSH and some Broga. Mosey around to the front of church taking the long route and then on to the second parking lot where there were five cones with a lot on distance between them. At each cone come back and pick up the 6 and them do burpees...

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