And the number shall be 7

What’s the best thing about Qing WIB?  The location, of course!  As Q, you get to pick wherever you want it to be!  So this morning, we gathered at Jamison Park for another good time.   The theme of the day was 7.  Would become very...

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Tribute to 55

20 strong gathered in the gloom at B&W for a beatdown that was sufficient.  With YHC’s looming 55th birthday this weekend, many things were done in batches of 5.  Here is what went down: Warm-O-Rama – SSH, Imperial Walker, Arm...

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Birthday Treat

Warm a rama lap around track SSH X 20 ISTx20 Squat x10 Abe Vigota x 6 Arm swirly things forward, backward, overhead x 10 The Thang, Spot 1-Intimidator hill one group ran up hill while other performed exercises AMRAP Burpees Mountain Climbers Spot...

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learning to sit

9 pax gathered (and one joined after a run) for a Huckleberry Parliament.  After Qing the Phoenix yesterday, i was sore when planning the Q for today.  so i sent out a message on Slack that we would work on sitting.  So that is exactly what we...

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The Phoenix

16 pax gathered at 0530 on a holiday Monday for The Iron Thrones first Phoenix workout.  The Phoenix is designed to be repeated once a month for 3 months to see how hard you can push yourself to get in more reps or laps with each attempt.  I...

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Helter Skelter

YHC regrets that the Flat and Red Lines occur on the same day as they are 2 of YHC’s 3 favorite workouts (although the Iron Throne is gaining ground quickly).  With that being said, YHC was excited to see a large crowd gathered in the 1st Pres...

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The Peaks of West End

The morning started out with a good stretch with Boo Boo and Palin.  We moseyed to the the swing set to do some merkins and pull ups on the icy swings. Well, YHC was doing the merkins. Palin was refusing to get his backside wet and Boo Boo was...

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