OG Tractor Burlap style

Thank God for Burlap. I wanted to make sure the pax had to climb Thurmond street but I really didn’t want to do it myself. So I created the route and did not post ! The best of both worlds . Thanks to Burlap for quickly helping a friend out and...

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4 ran the 3 mile route while 3 walked laps around the block of Clemmons Elementary School and got in 2 miles. Announcements F3 blood drive is February 20.  Splash and/or D-Day will be posting more details Beverly is running 43 miles Saturday to...

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A LEGendary Beatdown

  YHC promised a beatdown that would be talked about for years…. which was really just based on the clever pun of using the word “LEGendary” to say we’d be using our legs a LOT. This was a part II to yesterday’s “ARMageddon”, which again was...

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Gloom, arms, and challenge!

The PAX drove into the gloom for a beatdown of arms and #2021challenge additions. Warmarama SSH x 15 Overhead Claps x15 Michael Phelps x15 IST x15 Whirly with the clap x15 Mosey to the islands. Thang 1 Lunge walk between islands. 1st island =...

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An abridged ARMageddon

YHC was in the mood for a tough, arm focused beatdown… the name dawned upon me: ARMageddon!! The plan was coming together, a beatdown that would leave the arms completely smoked. Unfortunately, it was 26 degrees and all plans involved...

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The poor souls who showed for Conspiracy this morning had no idea of what they were in for.  Razzie arrived late and I am sure wished he had kept on driving.  After a quick warm up run to corner by the Y, the Pax reconvened at the base of the...

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Uplifting Gormandizers

Uplifting Gormandizers

21 punk rockers gathered in the gloom to mosh in all their glory as we celebrated CBGB&OMFUG at Bells & Whistles.  It was significantly colder at this recreation of CBGB’s than the original (#RIP).  For those of you who don’t...

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Target Practice

Three were gathered in the gloom, prepared to go it alone, when Manscape and Beverly rolled in. Warmarama: Abe Vigodas while we waited for Beverly.  It was the only time all morning that we waited upon the man. We moseyed to the track, took a one...

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