Beastly Plyometrics

As the pax exited our vehicles, murmurs of “cold” and “wish I’d stayed in bed” were overheard; YHC guaranteed that no one would be cold in five minutes, but no guarantee was given regarding the bed. Warmarama: SSHs, burpees, arm destroyers, dive...

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Let’s Try This Again

The Phoenix came back to The Outhouse for Round 2 of YHC’s rendition of an IPC favorite: Meter’s 43. In the first iteration of this beatdown, the workout sucked and so did YHC’s speaker as it decided to stop working after only...

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Thanks, BAM !

PAX: Cheesesteak, Palin, Van Gogh, Lamb Chop (WB), Root Canal (WD,Q) A leisurely Monday evening meal prep was interrupted by the M asking if I was the “line leader” in the am. Palm to forehead. Yep, I’m up. I go to my vault of...

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Just Visualize Something Else

WARMARAMA.  SSH, Whirly with the Clap, Michael Phelps, IST   Hobbled Q versus 3 Beasts of the Bootcamp.  Yeah, this is going to go well.  I’m definitely going to have to cheat to keep up.   BEATDOWN.   Station 1: Burpees | Squats |...

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Escalating Tabata at R-n-G

Winklevoss, Burlap, Zuckerburg, Palin, Juicebox, Glazer, Cheerio, “Bout time, Wobegon, Mutton, Closer, BALCO Despite twitter warnings 11 PAX decided to join YHC for R-n-G this AM.  We started with a deceptively hilly 5K through BV...

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What Don’t You Understand?

Warm-o-rama. SSH, IST, Whirly with the Clap Beatdown. Pretty simple beatdown.  Choose a rock. PAX choice to start anywhere in the list of exercises and then move down the list after each exercise is completed.   Five sets of each exercise with...

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Definition of Irony

One of the reasons that I enjoy working out with Cheesesteak is because of his creativity.  While the rest of the PAX (myself included) are good little lemmings and generally follow the Q’s directions, Cheesesteak does whatever the hell he wants...

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Enter Sandman

Burns asked YHC Tuesday if it was possible to substiQ for Cherry Pie who is in quarantine. YHC told him it was up to the covid test which was late getting results. Burns decided to keep the keys and put out a great preblast. Unfortunately, 5am...

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The Die won’t Die

YHC had other plans that incorporated lots of block pushing and pain.  Unfortunately, YHC failed to check the weather the night before and didn’t realize we’d need a boat to get to the shelter.  Also, the blocks were suspiciously...

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Banned again

It has been a year since my last Q at Mayhem.  YHC was banned due to having pax push rocks up a hill.  my sentence ended and Turnover allowed yhc to Q again today.  Therefore I went into this Q with the same mentality as I did last year –...

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WIB Preblast – 11.12.20

YHC is taking the reins due the scheduled Q and then the initial substiQ being on the COVID-19 Restricted List. We will WIB at Piedmont Plaza tomorrow, with an option to go across the street to loop around Publix if the weather clears. 4 stations...

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