No FNGs Allowed

Warm-o-rama. SSH, Whirly, Michael Phelps, Hillbillies Enter Spicoli (on Spicoli time) so the group did 5 Burpees Enter Bolero (on Bolero time) so the group did 5 Burpees Beatdown. Bootstrap Squats x 20 Iron Mikes x 20 Bobby Hurleys x 20 Reverse...

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The Estate

Warm-o-rama: SSH, ABE, arm swirly’s, calf stretch (Because YHC need this badly) Thang: For today’s thang, YHC decided to take pieces here and there from some of the previous Estate Q’s, in hopes of assembling a well thought out...

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Earning It or Paying For It

The point of today’s workout was, as is most mornings, to challenge oneself.  I mean, why else are we waking up at ungodly hours and dragging our tired and sore bodies out of the warm, comfortable beds? Warm-o-rama. SSH, Michael Phelps, Whirly...

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The Miracle at OGs/Tractors

The above 70 degrees temps made a liar out of the Q, who had promised cooler temps to those who came out. Nonetheless, the 29erso pax in attendance were treated to several novelties and an apparent miracle this morning. Novelty #1 – after...

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Pendulum On The Track

Thanks to Resistor, Valdez, Suede, Manscape, H.O.G., Hitman, Greenspan, Balco, Palin and Winklevoss for allowing me to come to Redline and change things up a little. Not so standard Redline Warmarama: AVs, Deep Lunges and a stroll around the...

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Is this still Flat Line Territory?

5:30am: Pick up On Time Spicoli from his car. Mosey to Corpening Plaza: At top, partner up with an appropriate social distance.  A. Hold low plank  B. 5 Merkins.  Switch up for a total of 20 Merkins together. Mosey to Pillars: Bear Crawl stopping...

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The Impossible Situation

7 pax gathered on a Saturday morning for a Huckleberry Impossible Situation.  YHC hinted that this was a borrowed idea, and it was true.  700, time to go. Warm o rama – SSH, Abe V, IW, Whirly, slerkins, copperhead squats all IC. Mosey to...

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