An Assault on Bailey Park

Warm Up Mosey to Med School 10 min of HIIT:45 sec work, 15 Sec Rest High Knees, High Plank/Low Plank, Merkin to Squat, WWII, Squat Jump, Side Plank (switch sides in 20 sec) Iron Mikes, SSH, Groiners, Burpees Mosey to Coal Pit and Partner Up Holds...

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Downtown Tour

6 Pax took a tour around downtown to greet people this morning and see the beautiful sunrise. It was nice to see the morning hustle and bustle this morning of people getting ready for the day and seeing the coffee shops and bakeries getting ready...

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Always Increasing at WIB

It seemed like months ago that Site Q Burns asked YHC to Q WIB.  Or was it last week?  Who knows, what is time really?  WIB is a great AO to Q at for a number of reasons.  First, the Q gets to pick the location.  Which usually means a very very...

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Free Range Chicken???

4 PAX plus the Q showed up to Parliament to see try and start the day off right.  The humidity was lower in clemmons (as promised in the tweet) and the pax seemed ready to go.  So at 530 on the dot (although the Asterias rubens in the group who...

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Partner Up

Summer humidity has recently been more consistent than JJ Reddick free throws.  More of the same awaited 12 HIMs as they gathered together at Mayhem for promised partner work. Warmarama: Consisted of Leg Stretches, Whirlys, SSHs, Arm Destroyers...

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The Toot Swap

It was a hot sweaty morning where 8 eager PAX gathered for a classic Root Canal beat down. Little did they know that Dr. Toot had skipped town and handed the keys to his young protege. At the anointed time, Lamb Chop announced that the Toot beat...

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Playing Cards at Redline

11 Pax gathered in the humid gloom this morning to pursue speed at the Hanes Park track by playing cards. Warm-O-Rama Warm-up stroll around Hanes Park (just over a mile) The Thang 400M Changing Gears: 50% effort in the first  200, 75% effort for...

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Kevorkian’s Malpractice

If Dr. Kevorkian’s job this morning was to get #TheOuthouse pax to give up on life and give in to death, he committed malpractice this morning as the 11 intrepid pax that gathered at the tennis courts at Leinbach Park in the sweltering...

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