Tax Exempt at B&W

WARMARAMA SSH’s x 15 Hillbillies x 15 Arm Swirlie Things (Fwd) x 12 Arm Swirlie Things (Rev) x 12 Seal Claps x 12 Overhead Claps x 12 Whirlies With a Social Disease x 12 Standing Hamstring Stretch – feet even for a 10 count (repeato) Standing...

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V Parliament

Warm up: All IC X 15. SSH, IST, Whirly w/clap, Abe Vagodas, Squats, Plano Jacks, Arm Swirly F, hold, B, hold, Overhead Claps, hold, Seal Claps, recover. Standing hamstring stretch R foot over L for a 10 count, switch, recover. The Thang: Grab a...

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Virtual TRQ for 4/9/2020

Warmorama SSH Whirly Copperhead Squats IW Merkin Squat Jumps Abe Vigoda CDD The Thang Tabata 1: 20 seconds of AMRAP, 10 seconds of recovery x 8 sets Mt. Climber Tabata 2: SSH Tabata 3: High knees Tabata 4: Merkin Freddie Merc Tabata 5...

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New Shirt Designs

The message was clear. 76% of you wanted a new design for our next shirt order. With help from Hello Kitty, F3’s Q of Culture, we have a new design. Why this design? While 76% of the 17 pax who voted wanted a new design, 25 of you thought...

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Virtual #Parliament Pre-Blast

Below is your Virtual Weinke for #Parliament: Warm-O-Rama – Arm swirly things forward x 10 IC Arm swirly things backwards x 10 IC RoL hamstring stretch x 10 seconds (1000-1, 1000-2, etc…) LoR hamstring stretch x 10 seconds (1000-1, 1000-2, etc…)...

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Pre-blast for Virtual VI

Before you get started, please face westward and give a salute towards WeFoCo, in honor of this AO in Clemmons. This is a modified Murph workout.  If you have access to a pull up bar, feel free to do a regular Murph, otherwise, do the following...

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Out Like a Lion

Warmorama 15 IC of all SSHs ISTs Arm Swirlies F/R Abe Vigodas Whirlies w/clap  Squats Find a spot with a wall – you will also need a broom, or rake, or crack in your driveway 10x donkey kicks on wall 20x side to side bunny hops across...

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