High Intensity at UA

Warm Up: SSH and Burpees, Abe Vigoda, WHtC Mosey to Stage: Michael Phelps.   Plank for 1 min, Chilcutt Plank for 1 min, Plank for 1 min, Tempo plank in cadence x 20. Mosey to Coal Pit and partner up: 5 Burpees, 5 Wheel Barrow steps, 5 WMD...

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Rock Crawls

It was early December and the end of 2019 was just around the corner. YHC spent some time reflecting on 2019 and all the blessing that occurred.  F3 being part of these blessings my train of thought went to some of the more “memorable” workouts. ...

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Palin’s Nice Rock

Warmarama: A little different this morning; Abe Vigodas, Downward/Upward Dog combo, Hammy Stretches, SSHs, Whirlies, Dive Bombers, ASTs F/B, and Michael Phelps The Thang: Lunge walk to playset and partner up: Partner A: Pull ups x 5 Partner B...

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The Distillery 01.16.2020

Warm O Rama Arm Circles, forward/backward balancing on 1-Leg OH Claps, balancing on 1-Leg (switch half way through set) Merkins, slow 4-count, hold at bottom  Carolina Dry Docks, slow 4-count, hold at bottom UpDogDownDog Hip Circles (knee at 90)...

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The Teet was Watching at #WIB

Ever have the feeling that you are being watched?  You are going about your day, but suddenly are overcome by the suspicion that someone is looking at you.  Well, this morning the Pax had that feeling.  And for good reason.   YHC chose...

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The Fox With The Rabbit

w/u: SSHx25, ISTx25, Whirlyx20, Slow Mt Climbersx20 w/o: Mosey to Intimidator. at base: 1 burpee 5 merkins 10 LBCs run up Intimidator stopping at every road to do base exercises, increasing by 1,5,10 each stop so by the top did set of 5 burpees...

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Tabata at Redline?

Seven Pax did the main workout Qed by YHC while Walter White led El Choppo and Beverly in a track workout that seemed to involve a lot of fast running in distances of 100-400 meters.  They were flying. The rest of us did a warm-up half lap...

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YHC had made plans to stay up and watch the national championship and likely not post this morning. Then $5 sent a message reminding me that I had promised a great Q………at flatline.  I absolutely love flatline…..but it is not very close to YHCs...

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Day after CFP Championship

Rain was in the forecast so I had planned on Tabata. However it wasn’t raining at 05:30 so I turned the music on anyway and we warmed up as usual.  Playlist was provided by Spotify and was a One Hit Wonder playlist. SSH, Whirly w/clap, Abe...

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Drip Drops and Blocks

Muggy wetness awaited the six pax who conquered the sack and joined YHC for a morning in the Village. Warmarama: Let’s see; SSHs, Mtn. Climbers, Dive Bombers, Whirlies, Abe Vigodas, F/B ASTs, Michael Phelps The Thang: Fun Stuff. YHC had placed a...

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