Let’s do some spelling at Flatline!

It was a lovely day to descend on the streets of downtown to keep the loyal pax moving for 45 minutes. Usually YHC just recycles a tried and true beatdown for everyone’s enjoyment.  But was feeling a bit saucy today and actually created a...

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22 Sore Bones

Somehow the 4th iteration of the 22 challenge had even more PAX than the previous. Clearly the PAX love their WWIIs and knew it was a safe bet to get in a lot this morning… What they didn’t expect was the barrage of sore bones they...

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Urban 22s

Round 3 of the 22 challenge was at UA for a very special LONG DISTANCE edition… somewhat hypocritically, YHC told Rubber Ducky not to Q a 4+mile beatdown at UA a few weeks prior… and then came along with this stupid idea. Admittedly...

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AMRAP in the Rain

YHC Stepped up to Q mayhem a long time ago, here’s what is remembered…   Warm-o-rama  Mosey to the shelter   The Thang AMRAP laps Irkins Squatty Potties Dips American Hammers First PAX runs around outer loop while remaining PAX do AMRAP...

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wib in the forest

A simple but effective WIB that looked like it was located in the forest, but was at Publix on robinhood rd, which does not show up in satellite photos yet. its a very fine parking lot. but in fact was shaped more like this Did the warmup, well...

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Hand-Release Cup Check

Warmarama: SSHs, Abe Vigodas, Whirlies, Cherry Pies   The Thang Flip over the weinke and we find: Round                  Exercise SSHs Boot-slap Squats Mountain Climbers (DC) Romanian Deadlifts (DC) Heels to Heaven (DC) Bonnie Blair (DC) American...

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Let’s go check out the sunrise

Honestly, I was not trying to take a Q, I really thought Schittzy was doubling down on Q duties and was just impressed. Our resident beer provider had other plans, or his M did, for this morning. Since YHC pointed it out, I might as well take the...

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The Fundamentals of Rugby

The Iron Throne was once again the venue as we continued our year long survey of strange British games.  8 strong lads gathered in the pre dawn gloom to work on the basics of Rugby Union, a hooligans game played by gentlemen. After standard...

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