Bunch of Millenials at Flatline

On a cool, crisp May morning, pax gathered for some fun.  As the Q tries to fulfill the vision of the Flatline creator, Beverly, by keeping the pax in constant motion for 45 minutes – no 10 counts, no standing around, but also keep the...

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The Bricker Visits Parliament

Warm-o-Rama: The usual for @Goofy The Thang Grab some bricks – 2 each. Line up across parking lot and then do the following increasing by multiples of 1, then by 2’s then 3’s, then 4’s until across the lot (I think we got to multiple of 7)...

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Oh my hip flexors

YHC was reminded about Q duties the day after breaking my 4th toe on my right foot.  Barefoot walking in the house is quite hazardous.  In an attempt to limit toe pain YHC planned a workout that would include limited running.  The result was a...

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Counting Cards at Purgatory

14 PAX braved what was feared to be (but wasn’t) a rainy morning at Purgatory.  One of the PAX in attendance was our brother from another mothership, my good friend Largemouth (from the Washington, NC F3 PAX).   YHC arrived early to set up...

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The Ultimate

Thanks to Blue Steel, Greenspan, Mutton, Spackler, Lamb Chop, Drip, Cherry Pie, Litter Box, HOG, Cheese Steak and two FNGs (Brad= “On Our Way” and Rob= “Tar Heel”), we had a great game of Ultimate Frisbee with a few...

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Estate 5.13 Double DORA

PAX: Huckleberry, Touch-Me-Not, Offsides, Cheesesteak, Wobegon, Balco, Snooki, Chisel, Jar Jar, Razzy, Zima, Burns (QIC) A last minute call for a substiQ led to me trying to devise a way to pay Huckleberry back for what he did at the WIB helm on...

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No Rain at BBBC

What with it being Friday and all, 6 Pax were expecting to run in the rain.  Neither Perry Brother was there, but the Pax carried on.  Luck was on our side, as a rain-free run was had by all.  All Pax elected to run the shorter (3.25 mile) route...

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Omaha Denied

YHC loves to Q WIB and typically tries to find a location that is close to my house.  But with VG on the Q at TRQ and the WeFoCo group meeting up on the west side, I wanted to provide a more central location for the dash PAX to meet.  And...

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Cobains and Back Pain

  It’s been a hot minute since YHC last Q’d at TRQ, and was excited to be back! YHC was hoping to hand out some #Kotters to a few returning PAX, but today was not the day. I encourage all PAX to reach out to some guys you haven’t seen in...

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Zuck’s Return @ B&W

11 pax embraced the Zuck on a lovely Wednesday morning @ Bells & Whistles.  After not Q’ing a bootcamp workout for nearly a year (just two weeks shy), the call was made and YHC answered.  The ol’ Q-School Manual had to be read and...

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