Gettin’ warm without the warm-up

#Flatline started with a mosey to the street below the parking garage for a MINI-ZIMA which was made up of running to the lightposts for burpies – 10 then 8 at the second, 6 at the 3rdetc running home each time for WWII situps x 10 or LBC x 20...

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SubstiQ at Parliament

Warm O Rama: SSH, steve Earls, Whirly with a clap, Abe Vigoda, Arm Swirly forward and backwards, Seal Claps.  Mosey to wall Wall sit and perform Jack Reachers IC X 20, Mike Tysons OYO X 10, Rebound Drill OYO X 10, Fast Feet IC X 20, Donkey Kicks...

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Track Series Week 3

12 PAX braved the cold morning for week number three of the track series. This week was about arms and stride. Dropping quarters and lengthening your stride. We did 3 1200 meters and 1 800 meters. In between the 1200 20 squats, 20 LBCs, and 20...

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March Madness at The Outhouse

Warm-o-Rama:  The usual for Goofy Mosey to Tennis courts March Madness Suicide after each exercise 64 SSH 32 Merkins 16 Box Cutters 8 Squat Jumps 4 Clap Merkins 2 WW2 sit ups 1  Turkish Get Up Burpees until 6 is up to celebrate  Strength Work at...

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DashPAXruckers 3/17/19

Launch from the mothership, Hanes Park. Route:   on NW we encountered a disabled vehicle, attempted to assist with a jump. YHC is not familiar with these “new” cars and their big batteries so...

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The Rock Quarry 3/14/19

WoR: SSH, IW, HB, AST F&R, Whirly AV, Sun salutations mosey to the rock pile, grab a rock, and circle up for arm circuit, 20 reps each Curls Tricep extensions Upright Row OH press Bus Driver Merkins, 12 each wide  regular diamond arm circuit...

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Rolling Sixes

7 PAX watched the sun rise during a beat down on a pleasant March morning at Charlie Foxtrot. WARMARAMA:  Performed at the parking lot below Morgan Elementary, we completed a medley of SSHs, Seal Claps, Hillbillies, Whirly’s With a Clap...

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