A Little of Everything

It was cold, it was dark, it was awesome. Warm-O-Rama We did a Spicoli lap because he texted me he was going to be right on (Spicoli) time. The Thang Run to Merschel Park Do the following: 5 Burpees, 5 Merkins, 5 Squats, 5 WWII, run a lap around...

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co substi q from behind bars

Impromptu Co Q, occurred on this morning at the VI. YHC arrived to a curiously empty parking lot given there was supposed to be a prerun at 5, etc. The Singing Cowboy wrote about 30-40 min prior to the workout to say the power was out and the...

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the pax did 8 reindeer and rocks the purpose of this backblast is just to catch one yhc missed and make sure to have published a backblast through wordpress for every yhc q. yhc recalls it was lots of fun

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Impossible Situation

A solid 3 joined YHC this morning for a mix of running and strength and a lot of fellowship. The Thang: SSH as we waited on Drip and Spicolli to join us, then it was off for a slow mosey around the YMCA and ending up at the base of the...

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A Completely Reasonable Beatdown

TIME WASTERS. The PAX whined so we wasted a few minutes doing SSHs, Whirlies, Michael Phelps, and Abe Vigodas.  What a freaking waste.  We probably could have finished another entire round of real exercises if we hadn’t spent time on these...

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Urban Assault 3/15/2024

$5 Dollar reached out to let me know that he was bringing a couple new FNGs. Its St. Pattys day this weekend. YHC had high hopes and all ideas of doing something cool and themed. NOPE. Turns out YHC googled the first state that came to mind...

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Corpening Plaza 2024

Temp was just right and the dudes showed up to put in some work. WARMORAMA SSH x 20 IC Hillbillies x 15 IC Imperial Walkers x 10 IC Toy Soldiers x 5 IC THANG Mosey to Corpening plaza via 4th street Found a well placed (Used) piece of cardboard in...

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Failing to Plan…

The morning got off to a rocky start when YHC overslept and showed up late for the EC run w/ @Burns. We still managed to get in one mile and picked up @Zima, who RIRO’d, toward the end of the EC. The PAX descend onto Jamison Park and we get...

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Rain and a Truck

Much to Rubber Ducky’s delight the forecast for a day fit for ducks came true.  It was a day to test one of the core principles and also to invigorate some male community leadership.  4 pax had shown up early for the Murph, 2 of which...

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