No Jokers at The Outhouse

Sitting in the truck, YHC sat alone until 3 minutes til launch wondering if any PAX would brave the cold this AM. While the brisk weather is more welcome than the 80 degree muggy mornings, it certainly makes for a different kind of pain...

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Halloween eve R-n-G

After a multi-Q sunday afternoon Twitter conversation, I sent out the route and hoped Juicebox would find the right location.  Once he showed up, we got started, then bout time rolled in on zuck/spicoli time.  Off we go.  Strong push by all...

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Movie Monster Mashup @ #Purgatory

15 ghostly PAX rose from the tomb of the fartsack to scare up a monster of a beatdown in the misty haunts of #Purgatory. Mosey to the laboratory Ghoul-o-rama Skeleton Bone Rattle (SSH) x15 IC Zombie Stiff-leg Shuffle (Running w/ Scissors) x15 IC...

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The MEGA Cometh

Gentlemen of F3 Winston-Salem (and Cobra), The MEGA is this Saturday, Oct 28, in Greensboro.  This is the 2nd annual event that we hope is passed around the Piedmont Triad for years to come.  It also commemorates the 3rd anniversary of F3...

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Village Idiots Turned #BBBCers

So, this happened!  Harden, Schneider and YHC launched at 0517.  Harden went the Peace Haven to Harper route, Schneider and YHC went the way of the back track, over a ditch and onto a private road then to Harper, surely thinking Harden would...

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Coming off several months of mostly running during training for BRR and Bourbon Chase I hadn’t been to a boot camp workout for while, needless to say I was reminded of this on my arrival. Some noticed the prop, others who even rode in the car...

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