Freestylin at the Village

It was a BEAUTIFUL morning in the Village! Full disclosure, I wasn’t feeling it ( Monday’s ), but I couldn’t let Cruiser down. When I pulled into the parking lot I was secretly hoping the threat of rain was going to deter most...

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TRQ Minus the Rock Quarry

YHC had the Q-honors at TRQ today!  Great to be with the four other HIMs who conquered the sack with me.  Here’s what we did. Warmarama: SSHs, Abe Vigodas, Whirlies, Hamstring and Hip stretches, Cherry Pies The Thang Mosey to playset beside the...

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Some strategic maneuvering on my behalf provided me with the opportunity to Q UA (maybe my favorite AO?) this AM with some baaaaaad dudes. Warm O Rama 20 SSH 15 Imperial Walkers 10 Arm Swirly Forward (interrupted by rain so it was a mad dash to...

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The Things We See At WIB

What a morning for a beatdown at #WIB. When Qing #WIBs, I try to pick spots that are not normally visited.  Today was at the Old Sears Hanes Mall building. Little did I know that many #Pax hate this location. I had only been one other time at...

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Redline is the WORST

I hate Redline. I confessed as much to Hitman and Manscape, who were kind enough to let me complain without giving me too much of a hard time. However, I’ve noticed a trend at Redline: the majority of the guys run fast – like, really fast...

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Merkin Mile, et. al.

YHC ran in (<.25mi) and joined TO, Wob, and Sweet Tea for a 2.1mi pre-run. Transcript got some EC movement around the track while we were gone. Spicoli showed up at 0536 due to having to deal with his cars getting rifled through overnight...

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Impossible Situation

As YHC approached Hanes Park I was a little apprehensive.  How many would be there?  Would anyone be there?  You just never know what to expect at the the first AO of the Dash Pax.  Alas, three brave souls awaited my arrival. I had lost a little...

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Winging it at TRQ

Wednesday night as YHC was brushing teeth before bed, I wondered who had the Q in the morning at TRQ. Thought a bit, then remembered it was YHC. 🤪. Oh well. Plenty of time in my Run to Peacehaven to figure something out. Arrived at Speas in a...

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5 Pax made it out to the Thruway Shopping Center on a very muggy Thursday morning.  In the spirit of WIB we had a short warm-a-rama and got right to it.  YHC always likes to design a WIB work out with 50% running and 50% strength.  I think most...

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