Impossible Situation

As YHC approached Hanes Park I was a little apprehensive.  How many would be there?  Would anyone be there?  You just never know what to expect at the the first AO of the Dash Pax.  Alas, three brave souls awaited my arrival. I had lost a little...

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Winging it at TRQ

Wednesday night as YHC was brushing teeth before bed, I wondered who had the Q in the morning at TRQ. Thought a bit, then remembered it was YHC. 🤪. Oh well. Plenty of time in my Run to Peacehaven to figure something out. Arrived at Speas in a...

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5 Pax made it out to the Thruway Shopping Center on a very muggy Thursday morning.  In the spirit of WIB we had a short warm-a-rama and got right to it.  YHC always likes to design a WIB work out with 50% running and 50% strength.  I think most...

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mucho burpees and almost some merlot

The PAX assembled for the 2nd of a back to back q by YHC @ Conspiracy on 7/5/23. We did the mission and 5 core principles then the fairly normal warmup: Side straddle hop, imperial walkers, forward arm swirly things, some hip stretching from the...

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Big Dice

When YHC arrived at the gloriously relaxing AO of Mayhem, he was glad it was still gloomy. It would be unbearable to endure the sun like we did the day before at July the Fourth convergence. After surveying the main parking lot and the lack of...

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The day before the 4th!

Basic warm up ssh, hillbilly, imperial walker, Worley and his unfortunate clap, Abe and some minor stretches. run around the building and back to the small parking lot (where block are) start at the first line and do 1 Mike tyson murder bunny to...

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7-4 = 3 or 3+4 =7

YHC has been slacking lately on backblasts (see what I did there). I report #s but never get around to details like the old days. Trying to catch up on a lot of stuff before some vacation time and this will check one box. Thought there was going...

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Back to the Pendulum

YHC had the Q-honors at WIB today, choosing to return to an old favorite for the first Q since April.  Nine others blessed YHC with their cooperative presence. Warmarama: SSHs, Down/Upward Dogs, Cherry Pies The Thang Simple instructions: Run up...

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Baseball field workout #godeacs

What an absolute beautiful morning to post. The humidity is thick, the sun is trying to come up and o dang I forgot that song playing has a ton of bad words. 😳 The pax were instructed to bring a block with them today. Some forgot and we made do...

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