A Gaggle of April Fools

Neither gale warnings nor April Fools could deter 8 pax + 1 dog.0 from joining YHC and his 2.0 at Hanes Park for an Impossible Situation.  Here’s what happened. Warmarama: SSHs, Cherry Pies Abe Vigoda, Down/Upward Dogs The Thang Mosey to steps at...

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This is why we do this

Running workouts don’t need much of a backblast, and BBBC is probably the easiest Q out there. But this week at Big Boys Breakfast Club just hit different. So, this is really all moleskin but I wanted to document: Nothing special, really...

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Metaverse has Fallen

8 PAX arrived for a substitute-Q because the Metaverse was down and Zuckerberg was called up for the rescue. YHC thinks Zuck was visiting the Hanes Park virtual parcel. The Thang:  Hanes Park warm up lap Reverse Hanes Park lap with intervals...

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Flatline Madness for an Elite 8

As YHC drafted a plan for Flatline, there were two primary goals: long distance, and rare destination. Usually YHC opts for burpups in the parking deck, and it was time to mix it up. The baseball stadium was considered, but the PAX just went...

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Three Sixteens at WIB

This back blast is very late, but better late than never they always say! YHC set out to do a simple, high mileage beatdown, keeping in line with YHCs training goal of steadily increasing mileage week after week.   So the plan was simple, 3...

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