Rust free zone at BBBC

It was a cool and damp morning on the plains of Clemmons.  There were rumblings leading up to this gathering, “Who is this ‘furiner’ invading our space?” “We don’t need no big city, city slicker to show us how...

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Not in Front of the Cafeteria Lady

9 Pax showed up early, then right at 0530, Drip posted to make 10, and at 0531,  Dr. Toot magically appeared because he heard he would be the 11th. What do you do when you have not posted in months and not Q’d in over a year?  You create a...

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Pink Sky at Morning

WIB returned to Thruway, and six of the Dash’s finest joined YHC. Warmarama: SSHs, Cherry Pies, Abe Vigoda The Thang On the weinke, there was list of exercises and rep count for each, respectively.  First round, do the first exercise and run...

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11 PAX gathered downtown for a Huckleberry Flatline – welcome El Chopo from Raleigh.  Disclaimer provided at 0528.  we did not get out of bed to take it easy. we have 3 stations today – get ready to push it………0530...

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Block work at Iron Throne

10 pax gather on a warm Monday morning to start the week off with a Huckleberry Q.  The goal – burnout the upper body (I have the Q at Flatline tomorrow which will focus on the cardio and legs). 0530 – warm o rama – SSH, Abe V...

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Improv Redline

13 fearless PAX ventured to Hanes Park for an Improv Redline by YHC. The Thang:  Hanes Park warm up lapWarm-up lap around Hanes Park Zuckerberg  track lap (high knees, butt-kickers, side shuffle in, side shuffle out, mosey) 4 x 400 w/200 recovery...

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Impossible situation

Started out easy side straddle hop where I almost immediately lost count due to Palin smack talk 15 imperial walker 15 hillbilly 6 Abe vigoda 10 Worley and his clap To the intimidator! Started with 10 Superman and 20 calf raises, ran up the hill...

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Famous February Birthdays

3 pax (Schneider, TSC and YHC) arrived early for an EC run.  Upon our return Seaman had pulled in.  Unfortunately for the Q the run must have loosened up the lower regions and it was a wise decision to make a quick trip into the Y and leave the...

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Misery at the TIT

YHC was pleased to see a large turnout this morning. Perfect weather. Great 2nd F with Frostbite on the EC. Unsuspecting pax (who were warned to go to Launchpad!) ready to kickstart their week. A recitation of the 5 core principles, a brief...

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“Put Me in Coach”

PAX of 10 joined Lysol (Kotters) for some Spring Training RNG at Truist Stadium. Burlap arrived early in a replacement car, apprtly the Toyota (or Honda??) he’s driven foe 30yrs was acting up (am radio issues? Handcrank?)…in any case it was good...

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BBBC – 02.24.23

10 Big Boys ordered various running distances with a side of wonderful weather for breakfast at #BBBC Friday morning!!   The Thang YHC and Cowboy ran 5.5 miles which is a slight modification of the post 6 miler...

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The Dobby Decathlon

I’d asked Van Gogh if I could Q way back in early January, this was the first spot open.  That’s a good thing!  I told my 14 year old Dobby (Hank) that I had the Q and wanted him to come.  He was excited to help me Q and plan a...

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